Also looking for offers on: +20 silver vanq xbow 1150 Polar Bear Mask Mask dye now sold! this stuff is all gone. thanks to the buyers
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye and other stuff In no means do I mean to shortcut your thread, but if you don't get any hits ill start you off at 600k.
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye and other stuff no problem, I saw your irc message too. I'm not strapped for cash or anything, so I'll just hold onto it if I don't get a min bid.
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye and other stuff totally silly but i can't remember where i put this dye
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye and other stuff i found this mask dye in one of my trapped pouches on one of my reds while i was pking, so its for sale again huhu highest bid after a day at 700k can have it, or if it seems obvious noone else is going to bid
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye[sold] and other stuff Mask dye is sold, still interested in selling the 1150 polar bear mask and the two bows.
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye[sold] and other stuff Feels low to me Ningaublem, no offense. Not unreasonble I don't think, but lower than I was hoping for.
Re: 1508 orange special mask dye[sold] and other stuff I have no problem sweetening it up Mes. Rather than just bumping it incrementally, do you have a figure in mind that would make you happy? I want the bow.