I like the idea of having different levels of MiBs, could correspond to fishing skill much like tmaps work with cartography. Higher levels need more fishing and all the loot is on the chest at the end rather then pulled up in the process.
I like some of the ideas, and don't care for others. I'd have to think about it further to really figure out which is which... I'm of the opinion that "infinite storage" is more of a problem than trash items being created though. If ANYONE with a house didn't have infinite storage, the trash items would remain just that... trash.
Partly Cloudy, We are probably allowed a few too many houses to infinitely store our crap goodies in as well. But I agree with @Mindless on this. The mechanics don't encourage/coerce you to throw stuff out. EDIT: I just remembered CUB. So the Mechanics actually "seem" to encourage you to horde goodies...
I'll stop you right there because I don't recall giving you a reason as to why I oppose your changes. Don't start making things up to skew my position. You created a post looking for opinions and votes. I gave mine. If you aren't ready to hear opposition, don't create a voting thread.
1) Definitely agreed. 2) It's valuable items in Tmaps when sold to NPCs. Makes much of the profit actually. So I'd deny that. The problem is that people dont sell these items and hoard. I'd say, a system that disables hoarding is preferable, i.e. something like a big warning message “Your house has 1 billion unlocked items. Every item above will treated as trash and disappear in 3 min.“
Exactly. Don't put words in my mouth. @Mindless get off his D... A vague "reason" doesn't give anyone an invitation to speculate, insinuate, infer, or otherwise add their own assumptions on someone else's thoughts or opinions. In doing so, I'm afraid this thread is well on its way to Trash Talk.
First you said you didn't give a reason ... but now suddenly your reason is just too vague to be speculated upon? How dense.
Lol who the fuk says 'dense' anymore... Go research the English use of quotation marks (these things ---> = ) so you can better understand what I was saying.
One issue I'd have with getting rid of "junk" items (bad weapons, bad armor, paintings, etc) is the effect it would have on newer players. Yeah those are junk to established players...but what about newer players or players who don't play all that often who loot everything from MIBs and low level TChests and then vendor the junk for extra gold so they can buy a house or fund other characters? For example, when I started here and had a single house finally I dumped all loot off in that house, organized it keeping stuff that was of a certain quality and sold the "junk". That junk made for a very nice bonus at the end of the week when selling it off after getting it all ID'd and saving the good stuff. It can help get a player going financially a lot quicker so they can progress on their characters training and eventually buy a house or upgrade to a larger one. Besides...some of the junk weapons are actually decent for new players to use considering how quickly weapons wear out here. Plus the junk armor isn't half bad for a new player to use either and quite handy for sparring in when training up weapon skills. That's especially true for the bone armor, since you can't vendor that, so might as well use it. As for house deco junk like paintings and all that, it's the poor-man's/new player's house deco. Some can afford 100k+ deco items and rares, or plat deco items, but the new player who finally upgraded from a small house to their very first bigger house & wants to do some decorating is going to find themselves with limited options if those basic deco items are made more rare or even removed. So to be honest, I think the best thing to help actually clean things up would be to leave stuff the way it is and just get that CUB program going. That encourages veteran players to get rid of stuff they consider junk and doesn't hurt new or poor players in the process. Just my 2 cents.