quest #1: saturday (november 29) at 7 CST quest #2: saturday (november 29) at 9 CST 100k per slot, 200k if u wanna be in both quests. will be a banksit for people i dont know. reserving the keys to the chests, rare drops and spawning rares. u can post here or pm me on irc for slots.
Our tamer Loren Saunier would like to participate on both of those quests, although it would be more convenient if both of the quests start 1 hour later, 7pm CST and 8:30 CST. If it's not possible to push the time then we would like to sign up to the quest starting at 7:30pm CST. It's such a short notice, like signing up to a last minute trip to Tijuana.
Doesn't look like this happened but when/if it does I'll take one slot provided I'm not bank sitting. I'm EST and I usually log on around 9pm. I'll help if needed on the other.