A few questions...

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Botep, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Botep

    Botep New Member

    Oct 22, 2014
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    Been on the shard for about a week now and been having an absolute blast. There are a few questions I have relative to the shard "meta" that I haven't been able to observe myself. In time I would probably figure this out for myself, but I figure it would be much faster to post this here. Forgive me if I say things like "back in the day" i'm referring to my time playing T2A back in the 90's and its really the only thing I have any reference to.

    1. Is there world pvp?
    I see arenas, and the occasional red afk in his house some where, but is there actual fighting that goes on in random places in sosaria? If so where? I recall bucs den usually being a hotbed if you wanted to find a fight. Is there a similar place on this server?

    2. Is there a current pvp template that dominates? or are they pretty balanced?

    3. Does every one have a tamer? Ive noticed they are way easier to build. I was able to pull off in a week what it took me YEARS to do back on the sub shards.

    4. Does the server have a "primetime" where it's more active, or perhaps peak days

    5. Where does everyone hang out? I see lots of people in Occllo, any other places?

    6. Originally, lumberjack dexxer and Nox mage were two of my favorite builds. Are they still viable?

    Those are a couple of the biggest ones brewing on my brain all week. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!
  2. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    1 - There are factions for world pvp (check the guides for more info). As for spontaneous PvP, it often breaks out at the PvM hotspots.
    2 - There's a pretty good variety here. The stun-mage is probably the overall favorite, if I had to guess.
    3 - Everyone does not have a tamer, but a pretty good amount do. To my knowledge, it's not easier to gain skill here than on the sub-shards. There's a lot to be said about the power of knowledge, guides, 3 accounts, and Razor.
    4 - Most players are North American.
    5 - IRC. (there's not really a bank sitting population)
    6 - Lumberjack dexxers are pretty common. Nox mages exist too, but I haven't heard rave reviews of them here.
    Halabinder likes this.
  3. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    1. Yes to world pvp but its a bit stagnant at the moment. Lots of pvpers, but they're all best friends. Maybe in time they'll decide to fight or new people will show up. Seems like moonglow is the consentual pvp hot spot lately. Arctic ogre lords is probably the main one for pking.

    2. Stun+inscription mage is probably the most popular template currently for factioners. Tracking+stun mage is pretty popular for pking. But there's lots of stuff that is good or works fine. Fencing tank mages are pretty solid overall. Poison dexers and lumberjacks are pretty popular too. There aren't really any good macing or archery templates. Although people are going to reply to this and disagree.

    3. Yeah everyone pretty much has a tamer. It seems to do everything better.

    4. I think the server's primetime is between 7pm CST and midnight. But there will be people doing things at all hours, just not much organized pvp.

    5. Occlo, Moonglow, Skara Brae seem to be the most common hangouts. But the best answer is the IRC channel. People don't want to be stolen from all the time so they open up IRC and communicate there. http://uorenaissance.com/irc

    6. Lumberjack works fine but has trouble finishing the job since people will just run after the first hit. But it works just as well now as it did in era. Nox mage is pretty crappy, the chance of high level poison is low, the chance of resisted poison is high, and everyone is just going to cure by a potion immediately anyways. Pick magery as the last skill on your lumberjack.
    Halabinder, Jupiter and Basoosh like this.
  4. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    The modern day Brit bank (hangout) is #Renaissance. Make sure you come by and hang out -- lots of helpful folks and sometimes I will post cat pictures and just kinda talk about my cat. Basically it's great.

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