For now they are player ran. The host will post a thread on the forums including all of the details on Thursday. Our next patch will feature a ranked duel system though, which I imagine will see a ton of use!
We didn't run it this weekend because of halloween - and the coming weekend some of us will be out of town for a wedding. So unless Lib can take his houses back and run the tournament (or someone else) then I don't think there will be one.
Can you post the ruleset for me for when they are ran please? I really hope they exclude magic weapons/armor. Faction blessed runics are over powered as can be. I was duelign with a power halberd last night vs a faction runic power halberd, both players had same armor, stats, skills. The runic was hitting for 45-54 the non runic was hitting for 14-21. Absurd difference.
Uh, wot? Isn't the only diff between a power weapon and a runic power weapon the "exceptional" +4 damage bonus? (and perhaps some Tactics, if the plain old power halberd had no accuracy modifier)?
A Runic Power weapon, when Exceptional is +11 damage (Power is +7, Exceptional bonus +4). The damage variation indicated by Akasha is a result of bad dice rolls, armor absorption and/or weapon condition.
Huge bunch of horseshit My weapon was repeaired directly before the fight. We both had barbed leather armor sets on. Runic weapons are OP. They always have been.
Maybe you shouldn't agree to duels where you are disadvantaged. Even so, power halberd vs faction power halberd is probably not a significant difference. who has an agapite halberd anyways? Are you sure it wasn't force? I'm guessing only hatecrime could/would access one and he'd probably own you with a fishing pole anyways
Ask hatecrime if he thinks he would own me with a fishing pole=( And I guess I would agree to a duel that disadvantaged because dueling outgunned is how to get better. And you are completely wrong about power halberd vs faction power halberd. I cant wait for the new dueling system.
well i'm always completely wrong about everything on here so no surprises there I mean you can do the math here and I know that I wasn't there but I also have swung a lot of halberds and been hit by a lot of them too and I'd like to assure you a power non runic hammer can do more than 40 damage hits. All halberds are also completely capable of doing shit ass 5 damage hits. But that's just my completely wrong opinion. Btw I apologize for assuming you were not good by comparison to Hatecrime, there's no reason for me to assume that. I have to admit that often times I assume someone is average and then they blow my mind by being really good (like Cynic). Show up friday night to this tournament and you'll get to play vs people using GM weapons which I'm sure will be more fair for you. I can't be there this friday but good luck!
By my math, against 0 AR... worst possible: power halberd, 0 anatomy: 8 damage best possible: +25 power runic halberd, GM anatomy: 61 damage on average: power halberd, 0 anatomy: 26 damage power halberd, GM anatomy: 31 damage +25 power runic halberd, 0 anatomy: 32 damage +25 power runic halberd, GM anatomy: 36 damage The runic ads 5 to 6 damage over a plain, no-tactics-modifier Power halberd. Halberds are super-swingy weapons though (any UO player should know this), as is armor. Armor absorbs between half and all of it's AR value. So if armor gives you, say, 24 AR to your chest, it's going to block anywhere between 12 and 24 damage, randomly. So that's pretty swingy too. I can't comment on the war hammer thing because I'm not certain where in the damage formula the 50% bonus happens (i.e. is it before anatomy and strength bonuses, or after?). I've also heard it's capped (!!).
Actually, Ezekiel posted a while back that the crushing blow modifier happens last (which does seem to mimic some RunUO code I found online). If that's the case, a Power War Hammer can hit 59 damage if you have GM Anatomy, via Crushing Blow. Note that this is extraordinarily rate - war hammers roll 7d5's, so chances of hitting a 5 on all of them is 1 in 78,125. Without Anatomy, this max possible damage is 51. War Hammers really tend to cluster around the mean though. For a plain Power hammer, with GM Anatomy, that's 26 damage. Crushing blow would be 38. A runic +25 Power war hammer would average 30 damage, 45 for a crushing blow, both assuming GM Anatomy.
The most I can foresee one of those doing is 69, and that's assuming GM Anatomy and 0 AR on your part (i.e. your head, if you're in full barbed and a mask). I think barbed armor itself negates around 8 to 16 damage per hit, if the strike hits one of those pieces, though perhaps it was worn down a bit from the hammer itself, or prior battles.