Hello again, Is there a change with archery + poisoning on this shard (is it possible?) and how to down skills or stats in a game permanently (is it possible again?)
archery + poisoning ... no skills and stats ... yes SKILLS 1. open your character skills (alt + k) 2. find desired skills you wish to manipulate 3. toggle the skill arrow either up (to raise skill) or down (to lower skill) * Note: the skill will only lower once the character has earned 700 skill points, has at least one skill arrow pointed down, and uses a different skill that has the arrow up STATS 1. open your character status (alt + s) 2. toggled the arrow for your desired statistic (strength, dexterity, and/or intelligence) up or down * Note: statistics will only lower when at least one stat arrow is pointed down and the character has achieved 225 total statistic points