I’m considering changing up my armor from barbed bone to valorite dexxer suit. I’m courting opinions on the advantages/disadvantages. One of the things I do not like about bone armor (besides the look) is that it is disposable. The chain mail/ring mail combination is repairable. Since I can no longer find the page(s) that details the bonuses that materials give to armor, bonuses given by GM/exceptional, and the durability & protection bonuses given by magical properties, I wanted to put all that together into a guide for the guide section. That said, I’d like to garner opinions on the advantages and disadvantages for the dexxer suit vs bone armor suit. edit: formatting
Following. Have 0 knowledge to contribute but an armor guide would be welcome. Also, super annoying that bone isn't repairable
Armor was recently picked apart in the thread about defensive robes and how pointless they are. Only 6 item slots get hit and take damage, I listed what I remember their values being but its not completely accurate. This list is only semi-accurate: Torso: 46% Legs: 22% Head: 12% Arms: 12% Gloves: 4% Neck: 4% Wear a high AR chest piece and your good, killing yourself to find invul gloves or gorget is silly. Even 'IF' you get hit on the hands/neck those slots only provide 3-6 armor at most. Wearing armor in those areas is highly optional. You can find the breakdown of all armor types and the materials they are made of on the main website. Plate Armor Leather Armor Bone Armor Studded Armor