Please consider default relocation of the activity verification gump anywhere but directly over your character. While attended playing today, I was clicking to pick some cotton at the exact moment the gump appeared and I clicked the wrong answer. If it was resized and off center... actually, anywhere except directly over my character would be better.
I think the point is to make it so you can not miss it. Also, I don't know if moving it is or is not possible. I think what would be better is a confirmation button in addition to the checkbox so that it takes two clicks to select an answer.
Agreed, would be nice to have another option. Perhaps in the [profile to have another location. Ive missed gumps when fishing because I was rocking 300x300 resolution and the gump cant be seen at that resolution. As well as picking up semi rares and having the gump pump up when mobs are attacking = no fun.
Yeah, it would also be nice if there was some detection so, for example, if you are getting attacked the gump disappears and comes back in 5 minutes. Obviously, if the gump gets pushed back X times in a row it should trigger a silent page to make sure the mechanic isn't being abused. Further, make sure you have a button to drop what you are currently holding. I narrowly avoided getting kicked out of a tamer quest when my ruined painting got stuck on my cursor and I was frantically fumbling around trying to remember which hotkey menu in razor it was under. If you think the gumps are fun, then try doing puzzle chests on a character with no hiding while next to an ancient lich spawn.