Starting bid, 700k, bidding will end 24 hrs after the last bidder. Entertaining buyout offers. There is a private reserve for this auction, it is reasonable, and if not met, I may chose not to sell. Good luck and happy bidding! Cloth Flipper Bods (20 ex cloth/ Non ex cloth, 10/15 Non-Exceptional Cloth.) - 130 Leather Flipper Bods (10/15/20 Normal / Exceptional Leather) - 140 CBD Small Bods (10/15 Ex Cloth) - 232 CBD Large Bods (10/15 Ex Cloth) - 53 Footwear (10/15 Ex) - 26 Bods I dont do large ( All Bone, Studded, All Large Bone/Studded/Large 20 cloth) - 153 Bods I dont do small ( All Bone, Studded) - 148 Non Premium Spined/Horned/Barbed (Footwear/bone/non -ex) - 9 Premium Bods - 10 ex spined leather leggings 10 ex spined leather leggings 10 ex spind studded armor 10 ex spined leather gorget 10 ex spined Male Set L BOD 15 ex spined leather bustier 15 ex spined leather shorts 15 ex spined leather tunic 15 ex spined leather cap 15 ex spined leather leggings 15 ex spined leather tunics 20 ex spined leather Male LBOD 20 ex spined leather sleeves 20 ex spined leather gloves 20 ex spined leather sleeves 20 ex spined leather tunic 20 ex spined leather gorget 20 ex spined leather gorget 20 ex spined studded armor 20 ex spined leather leggings 20 ex spined studded armor 20 ex spined leather tunic 10 ex horned leather gorget 15 ex horned leather sleeves 15 ex horned leather shorts 15 ex horned leather tunic 20 ex horned bone helm 20 ex horned studded armor 20 ex horned studded leggings 20 ex horned leather tunic 20 ex horned Bone Suit LBOD 20 ex barbed leather sleeves 20 ex barbed studded set LBOD