Beginning Fisherman Journey

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Stormwynd, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Stormwynd

    Stormwynd Active Member

    Jun 25, 2015
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    To all,

    Was curious what the best way to go about beginning on a fisherman's journey to collecting Nets/MIBs etc.

    Are there any tricks out there or is it just get on a boat and fish to hearts content?

    Whats best set of skills to have. Currently I don't have the means for magery but is archery worth it? Dexxer? Or just fish up stuff and run away!

    Just looking for something fun and interesting to do.


  2. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 19, 2014
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  3. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    You have to kill the serpents to get your prizes, so running away isn't an option.

    Fishing is a great task for 3 accounts. Three times the fishing, three times the loot.

    I was extremely un-impressed with archery on my fishers. It's expensive to use (7.5g per arrow) and weapon durability is a constant issue since bows can't be repaired with repair deeds. Because of the durability thing, DPS was not fantastic. Melee dexing worked much better.

    A player here (Cynic) runs 3 mages - as soon as a serpent pops up, they all e-bolt it to death. I've heard it's very effective.

    And of course, animal taming is always an option.
    Jupiter likes this.
  4. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    I run fishing on my tamer since one of the lastfishing tournaments, its pretty effective and you can kill everything very easy solo and semi automated on a 2nd screen (ive used to do that basically 247 while playing on other chars)

    If you want to go for 3 fishers on the same boat, then Mages should work very well as ebolts hits those serpents very hard, and its a lot cheaper to raise than archery if you are starting out.

    You can also run some dexxers with fishing on single man boats of course, its mostly up to your preference :)

    So my suggestion for you would either be:
    Single man boats: Tamers or Dexxers (includes archers)
    fishing team boats: Mages or Archers (maybe tamers too, never tryed it)

    hope this can help you :)
    Basoosh likes this.
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I myself run three fisherman.

    The ancient MIB drop rate is sooooo loooow that I couldn't fathom seeing the content enough with just one fisher.

    All of my fisherman have,

    Evaluate Intelligence
    Magic Resist

    My Captain also has Item Identification and Tracking (I'm amazed at how many people leave sea creatures behind. I got an AMIB with tracking thus immediately worth it)
    My first mate has Musicianship and Provocation
    My swabbie has Musicianship and Peacemaking
  6. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
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    Jan 23, 2015
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    Ditto to Basoosh and Wylwrk... 3X Power Fishing!
    Good Luck on your Journey Stormwynd! , may it bring you Fun and Fortune!

    Even with 3 Fishermen running I hit some long dry spells, if that was 1 Dude casting Id fall asleep or / my wrists....j/k

    This is Not going to bring you the most "Gold per Hour" of things you can do in UO if you care about such things.. I Don't.. all that does is cause Burn-Out. Play the game to have fun, Fishing can be fun when your pulling stuff up, and 3X makes for more fun and less :eek:

    I was heavily influenced by Cynic's Guide on Fishing when creating my Crew of Metal Beasts, E-Bolt Spam + Bard = Sea Serpent/ Kraken Dominance! Loch Lake Monsters get a few Summoned Deamons + Bard + E-Bolt Spam. Magery has too many options to pass up on a Fisherman or any other character for that matter IMO, even if I ran an Archer, id add Magery to a Fisher.(Res/Heal/Cure/Reflect/Cross-Heal/No-Miss Ranged Attack/Summoned Pets/Travel/Buffs/all the things that make it the one stop OP skill it is)

    Disco- for reduced reg usage, and easier barding on Lock Lakes.
    Peacemaking- to stop them in their tracks.
    Provoke- for multiples...Nets mainly.
    Tracking- because a lot spawn at the edge of you screen and run away, I have numerous "Big Fish" from other Players, and many nets/mibs/maps as well, because someone "lost" one. And there be "Pirates" in the vast Sea Lad that will attempt to make you a "Ghost Vessel"
    Item Id- for MiB's and random loot off Sea Critters.

    The rest is up to you, if you like Archery/Melee/Mage/Pets, do what you like and have fun doing it, no matter what it costs. E-Bolt costs 7 gold per x 3-4max on a Discoed Deep Sea Serpent, not sure on Archery......

    I will tell you this though, an Injured Kraken will run away quickly, I have 3 AMiB's in my box right now someone lost, Peace would have stopped it cold, Tracking would have found it, and ranged attack would have dropped it.

    These are mine: MG$- Metal Gods, Judas Priest Fishing Team
    Frontman 2nd in command- Rob Halford- Fishing/Mage/Eval/Med/Music/Peace/(Hide-Resist up in the air)
    Captain and Commander- Glenn Tipton- Fishing/Mage/Med/Music/Disco/Peace/Provo- Pure Bard
    Clean-up, Back-up Damage- KK Downing- Fishing/Mage/Eval/Med/Tracking/Item ID/50 Hide/50 Detect(track range)

    Tournaments are Fun and Grueling! but you "Have To Put The Time In!" or just get damn Lucky, or sometimes BOTH! If you put the time in, you will bank a lot of Gold off Nets/Mib's/Maps/AMiB's/Colored Nets. If You're LUCKY, you will place in the Winners and really Bank some Gold/Plat/Trophies/Rares.
    Edit- 1 Computer/ 1 Lg Monitor/ 3 Visible Game Windows(Rob|Glenn|KK)/ AFK Gump Awareness
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  7. Laretheo

    Laretheo Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 9, 2015
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    I run 3 fishers on 3 different boats all of them are set up the same

    magery, provocation, musicianship, eval. int., tracking, meditation, Item ID

    I can handle any mob that comes out at me even loch lake solo, just summon daemon or for me its blade spiritsx7 takes him down and finish him with e-bolt.

    sequence when throwing nets with this setup solo is, magic reflect up, throw net, cast invis and hold till monsters are up, when monsters pop target invis on yourself, grab life bars and provoke or cast blade spirits as needed. I find having a moment to react to the monsters popping from a net is best for reaction time.

    good luck with fishing. its a rare thing to enjoy it so have fun :)

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