Boat, Housing and Backpack Risks

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Wodan, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Hi Guys,

    I've been swarming the forum & IRC for a few days now and collected a little bit of information regarding boat, backpack and housing risks on this shard due to Felucca ruleset and some shard specific settings.

    There are quite a number of guides here that cover house security, theft protection and boat ownership. None of these talk much about the actual risks your backpack, house and boat are exposed to. Once you understand the risks, you should be able to understand the security & protection guides much better.

    One thing before I start. This is just the information I collected so far and some things I assumed. Please correct me if I'm wrong on anything here ! I rather want to learn it here than in the game. I will update this post with corrections & additions posted below.

    Housing Security​

    • Houses have a limited number of lockdowns & secure containers
    • Secure containers have a weight limited of 400 stones
    • Locked down containers do not have a weight limit. You will be tempted to start putting heavy stuff in locked down containers instead of secured containers due to the weight limit.
      Stuff in locked down containers can be taken by ANYONE in your house - even an intruder
    • There is no item decay inside your house. You will be tempted to just drop stuff on the floor. It will never decay there
      Stuff dropped on the floor can be stolen by an intruder
    • You must use a key to open and house door from the outside. Anyone with a key can open the corresponding door. When a door is open, anyone can pass through. A key locked down on the stairs of your home can be used to open the door by friends, co-owners and owners. It's a safe practice to lock down a key there to avoid having to carry it in your backpack. When placing the key in a secured bag outside your house, make sure to NOT REMOVE the key when opening the door.Thanks Atraxi Only keys on a key ring can be used from a secured container. Thanks Basoosh
      An intruder might have hidden next to your door waiting for you to open the door to stealth in. As long as the intruder doesn't log out he will remain hidden in your house. Read the house security guide on how to deal with this risk. You can reveal and ban the intruder. A "Table wall with a trash barrel" will prevent the intruder from getting full access to your house.
    • You can be killed inside your house. It is helpful to stay away from the outside walls of your house to reduce the chance of getting killed. If you macro AFK in you house over night, be aware that you might be dead the next morning and everything you had on you decayed.
    • If anyone/anything dies inside your house, the body WILL decay and the items inside will be lost unless looted.
    • Anything you have locked down in your house is safe from being stolen. Consumables locked down MIGHT be useable by intruders - put consumables in a safe place.
    • Anything in a secure container is secure !
    • There is no teleporting into or onto/inside a house - don't worry.
    • A house can key can be lost. You can not recall to your house key. You must use a rune to your house instead. This is good because if you lose your key, there's no telling which house it belongs to unless you also lose a rune to your house. That's the worst case scenario and commonly referred to as "Asking for trouble"
    • Animals and summons break items which restrict movement if not locked down. Even if they are on the same tile as a locked down item which restricts movement - the animal will still break it. Thanks Gideon
    • Spells can be cast (including summons) onto house tiles if there is LOS (by players inside or outside the house). Your neighbor might have LOS onto roofless parts of your house if they achieve a high z axis. Thanks Gideon Lesson : don't expect to be safe inside your house. Use a restock agent for AFK macroing in your house to prevent valuable material to decay with your body in case you get killed.
    • You can rez diagonally and ghosts are not seen with detect hidden. Table wall accordingly. Thanks Gideon

    Boat Security​

    • Boats are much more expensive on this shard than on OSI shards. Boats must be crafted, require very high crafting skills and plenty of resources.
    • When you buy a ship as a ship deed, the deed is NOT BLESSED - it can be stolen and looted !
      Once you place a ship and dry dock it again, the ship model you get can NOT be stolen/looted any more !
    • You can steer a boat without holding the key. There is NO need to ever hold the key unless you want to rename or drydock the boat.
      If you die with the key in your backpack it is possible to loot the key from your body even from outside of your boat.
    • The boat key is a recall target and people can recall onto your boat and take control, head for the coast and dry dock it. The boat is lost then.
    • Always lock BOTH sides of the boat. Never keep the boat key on your char. If you must, keep it in the ships hold and make sure both planks are locked.
    • Always have a spare key in your house in a secure container or in another chars bank box.
      If you die on the boat you want to have another char being able to recall to the boat to res you. Don't keep both chars on the boat at the same time for longer than necessary.
    • Items decay in ships at normal pace. If not refreshed, items could be gone in as little as 60 minutes.
    • There SHOULD be a safe spot on LARGE ships only right next to the mast. This is the only spot on the boat that can not be lootet / telekinesed to. This is where you should pile up your ore when boat mining.
    • If you're planning on going on a longer trip, it's safe to keep the ship's key in the hold. The ship's key is needed to "refresh" the ship and prevent it from decaying. You take it from the hold, double click on a plank, verify that your ship was refreshed and immediately place it back in the hold.
  2. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  3. Atraxi

    Atraxi Member

    May 9, 2013
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    I'd like to add something to this which addresses a major security risk I see newer (and some more veteran) players putting themselves in. You will see on a similar thread about house security that you can also put a secure container on the front steps or above the door (I prefer a pouch, 3 tables high), with a key on a keyring inside of this. This method is similar to the "key locked down on the steps" method in that only people who can access the secure can access the key. If you set the secure to where only the house owner can access it, then only the house owner character can open the door from the outside.

    The security issue I see with the secure container method that I'd like to address is that if you choose to go this way, DO NOT REMOVE THE KEY FROM THE CONTAINER TO OPEN THE DOOR. The key can and should be left inside the container, and just double-clicked. Remember that most stealthers hiding outside your house will have stealing and may be able to steal from you. If you pull the key out of the container and place it in your backpack, it can then be stolen by an intruder hiding next to you. At that point your house is open to that person until you change the house locks.
  4. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    As an additional note, you can only use keys from inside bags if they are on a keyring. Don't know why, but there it is.
  5. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Thanks very much for the contributions !

    I revised the whole post and added some of the remarks made in the comments.

    Please continue to add your own remarks, correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.

    I am not 100% certain about the security of the boats hold. Does anyone here have different experience ? Can it be treated "safe" if you keep your planks locked ?
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Yes, its safe if your planks are locked.
  7. Spoiled Milk

    Spoiled Milk New Member

    Sep 23, 2013
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    Without going into too much detail on this exploit...lock down your keys on a keyring, never just the key. :twisted:
  8. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Did you check whether the exploit works on this shard ?
    Maybe it can be fixed ...

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