Question on this, Is which bod you get always random if you're GM in that skill or does completing multiple bods increase your chance of good ones or does it only allow you to bypass the 6 hour wait? I have been doing 3 a day for almost 6 months and never get anything besides dull copper or shadow on the smith side. Maybe I'm just that unlucky or am I doing it wrong?
The math is all here: It's not unusual to go long streaks without anything high end. Flipping only increases your odds of a good BOD in that it gives you more pulls on the RNG arm
As far as smith bods go, I've only got valorite once.... gold maybe twice.... mostly dull copper/copper/shadow aside from iron. I guess the chances are less for the higher ores. I actually don't recall ever getting any verite or agapite bods lol. I just run one smith at the moment.
Yeah, the drop rates get stupid low above Bronze. You just won't see them that often The bottom 3 account for 85% of the drop rate Iron - 48.5% Dull Copper - 25% Shadow Iron - 12.5%