I always wonder if its possible to get bosses (or high end monsters) to fight each other for example: 1) i knowy youc get the Balron to fight Terathan monsters in Terathan keep. and if the Terathan boss spawns, then u can get the Balron to fight that too 2)i also imagine it is possible to spawn diseased blood elemental and beholder on shame lvl 4, then can provo them to fight each other (low chance, but possible) 3) would also be interesting to see things like "how many blood ele/elder gazers/horses/etc it takes to kill a balron i think t-maps offer more possibilities therefore, i would like to make two invitations: 1) share ur idea of possible boss fights 2) share videos of actually doing it i probably wont have the skill nor time to do these, but would really love to see fellow players do it and congratulate them
I used to get Ancient Wyrms and Balron’s to fight each other in Ilshenar on OSI. AW always won, wish I could share a video. It took two people, one to lure the AW halfway across the map and another to lure the Balron. Once close enough we would provoke them onto each other. A dexxer would attack the AW so both would die at about the same time. I was the dexxer, my friend Oscar was the bard.