PM me with what you have and the price you would be asking and we can possibly haggle out a deal. I would like +15 or better tactics. I doesn't necessarily need it to be super high end like vanquishing, but I would entertain the possibility depending upon the asking price. I am also interested in Axe, Double Axe or Executioner Axes of Force or better.
@Goblinchild I saw this thread before but just noticed your seeking both a macing (war axe) and axer type weapons. I assume you know this but the war axe using macing skill despite being listed with axes... odd. Honestly I wish the developers would have called it a "war club" instead as its caused a great deal of confusion.
Hi @Keza , yes I know the war axe is a macing weapon. I have two battleminers, one being a macer who also has parry so the war axe being one handed works great. The other as you can guess is a LJ Swordsman, so an axer.