looking for the hue 1150 sandals/bear mask, only a handful { + a toe or two } on the server, any looking to sell?
polar bear mask will run you about 3+ mil. OR if telemon brings them back this yr HC coin price. but in all honesty if he brought polar bear masks that would S H I T on the value of the current ones. he doesnt do that that. I've been looking for about 3 months
First year: Reindeer Masks Second Year: Polar Bear Masks Third Year: 800+ cHoin sitting in my keep waiting to find out. I personally increased the value of the grey reindeer masks by dying one orange (and a second one purple for Avery). I increased the value of the 1153 polar bear masks by dying one purple. I increased the value of Cupid's Battle Mask by dying one purple. I completely destroyed the elven commander's bear mask by dying it purple. Only one on the shard, get pwnd. *crosses fingers that Telamon doesn't drop more elven commander's bear masks*
Dude, I was looking at the item database last week and saw that the commanders mask was dyed purple.....I knew who was behind it. I wanted that mask!!! Shame shame!
LOL and then he recorded it. Oh man, I really wanted that mask too....before.... For shame sir for shame! *crosses fingers that maybe another commanders mask drops this year - but definitely NOT more polar bear masks or white/red sandals!*
For what it's worth, there is a high potential for this to drop again, if I were to guess. I have the original and once "only" Cupid's Sash (on Glenn Quagmire presently), but like 40+ spawned the following year. Let's hope for my sake and yours that nothing that drastic happens again and we just see a return of the Dark Elven Commander and his minions, with just as slim a drop rate.
I'm pretty attached to my 1150 sandals, though would entertain ridiculous offers. Your best bet may just take a stab at them this xmas.
this particular item was only available during last year christmas, and may or may not be available this year christmas, making my insane offer a complete waste, IF the item becomes available again, but the coins are earned during the holiday times throughout the year by killing certain monsters, and the items are available for purchase from the holiday vendor for a limited time only ( usually till the next holiday ) or some such. only been here for 1 holiday event, halloween.