Can you make a fair amount of gold as a hunter?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Samhain, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Samhain

    Samhain New Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Hello! I've recently started a new warrior and I was wondering if it is possible to make a lot of gold just from hunting monsters and animals. I've used (and potentially overused) the bard/mage template and it is rather boring. So I decided to make a hunter in hopes that I would be able to make a fair amount to obtain a home and other things.


    100 str
    100 dex
    25 int

    Magic resist
    Lumber jacking (axe dmg bonus )
    (Insert last skill here)

    Thank you for your feed back!
    Halabinder likes this.
  2. Orion GM BD

    Orion GM BD Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Hello Samhain....You probably could clear out the orc camp, as well the red camp near by. Maybe
    mark a book with those spots, plus a few other spawns. You can recall using a runebooks charges. Bank
    between them. With a silver weapon at the yew liches would be good gold, but higher risk there.

    I have a place near town/gate [a small] you can live out of till you find a place of your own if you want. Playing
    3 accts out of a bankbox is rough. Shoot me a pm.

    Lockpicking is a great way to make good gold too. Less exciting of course.

    Halabinder likes this.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    In the very least, bump your Int up to around 45-55 to reduce the impact of Mind Blast from both monsters and players. Otherwise, great template in need of Magery. Those extra cures, heals, recalls, etc, will really make the difference in the long run.
    I'd recommend a slayer weapon and a medium profit spawn like air elementals or orcs at a heavy spawn point.
    Halabinder likes this.
  4. Samhain

    Samhain New Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Hmm very interesting! I will definitely have to check out those camps when my skills are nearer to GM. As for the house Orion, I'm not in dire need of a home at the moment but I do appreciate the offer! =)

    And Blaise, so would you suggest adding magery as the last skill and then bumping int to 45-55?
    Also, is it possible to cast without the spellbook in hand?
    Orion GM BD likes this.
  5. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    You can cast without your spellbook in hand. If you want to put magery on your template and only go for about 70 magery for good success on circle 5 and perfect success on all lower circles, I'd suggest slowly working it up and put your int at 45 at the least. If your going for GM magery you may want to put int at 100 at some point and GM med as well to ease your skill gain along but for now vendor buying up to about 30ish and then using basic spells like cure and greater heal during hunting should help give it a boost.
    Halabinder likes this.
  6. Freakzilla

    Freakzilla Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Every bit of advice given above is spot on! I will share my experience with you, as I have 3 pure magery at all. Not having magery is certainly a hindrance, however, it is most certainly not mandatory. If you are going to go with your above template, i personally would make that last skill as Hiding. Casting recall is sketchy at best, but I don't care...i may fizzle 3 or 4 times at most. That may seem like alot, but if I am just doing pvm, it's not a big deal. What happens when I need to make a quick get away? GM Hiding is invaluable. If there was one skill I could put on every char, it would be has saved me more times that I could possibly count. If you plan to PvP, then your template is still very viable for group PvP. I would even suggest your last skill as 50 Magery / 50 Poisoning as an extremely viable template too if you wanted a little extra swagger in your step, and dont want to deal with fizzling on recalls.

    Money? The 1st million I ever made was with a Pure Warrior, killing undead in Lost Lands, so yes, you can most certainly make money. Another thing to keep in mind is that things become 100x easier if you make friends, or join a guild. 2 Warriors cross healing just steps up your money making ability. I think that we have one of the best communities ever, in any online gaming venue whatsoever, so finding a good guild, or friends to hunt / hang out with is very easy should you choose to do so.

    I have the pure dexxer Lumberjack, Parry Macer, and the ole reliable Fencer. They all perform well, they are all capable of surviving a gank, however I prefer the Parry Macer...mostly for nostalgic reasons. For stats I would suggest 95/90/40.

    Hope this helps!
    Halabinder and Orion GM BD like this.
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    A few days ago we started compiling data on how much gold can be made farming and we have collected a fair amount of information on dexxers already.
    I was surprised at how much you can make on a dexxer.
    Halabinder likes this.
  8. Arnold Lutz

    Arnold Lutz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    I was in the same boat as you when i started here also, and did not want to exhaust the bard/mage template (which i had done on previous shards) So i went pure warrior for all of my early farming. Its definitely a good way to farm monsters for pure gold, but you do miss out on doing some bosses w/o help. But it is still my favorite char although i do use a tamer/bard for easy quick farming now too.
    -If u plan to have another mage character to get you around, id use hiding imo saves you a lot and clears agro while staying close.
    -If it is your first char and you want to be self sufficient get magery.
    -slayer weapons make a huge difference in how well you farm higher end monsters

    One great spot to farm that i used a ton, in Fire dungeon the evil mage area. They have limited hit points, drop a lot of gold and weapons can interrupt their casting so a dexxer char and blow through them and i have yet to ever see a pk go there. Also it doesn't require a slayer to kill fast, although it doesn't hurt.
  9. Samhain

    Samhain New Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Thank you all for the feedback! I like the idea of a pure dexxer, and I have a separate account with a gm mage/bard and so I probably won't make another mage
  10. Samhain

    Samhain New Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    And so I'll probably add hiding to my template.
    Halabinder likes this.
  11. Samhain

    Samhain New Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    I should probably start a character with mining and blacksmithing so I can start making my own Armour and stuff. And how much are slayer weapons? And are there certain monsters that drop these weapons or are they just a rare drop
  12. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Welcome back Sam! :))
  13. Samhain

    Samhain New Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Hey thanks Vlar! =) Aye, I am back! Left to try out that new Archeage game.. which was rather disappointing and a colossal waste of money. =P
  14. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Samhain monsters that drop slayers depend. A monster has a certain slayer "group" and will only drop slayers of the opposing group.

    Humanoid critters drop silver slayers
    Undead drop humanoid slayers (Repond,Troll,Ogre)
    Arachnids drop Reptile based slayers (Reptile,Dragon,snake,lizard,ophidian)
    Reptiles drop arachnid based slayers (Arachnid,spider.tetheran)
    Daemons drop elemental based slayers (Elemental,Blood, all elemental flavors etc.)
    Elemental drop daemon based slayers (Exorcism, daemon, balron)

    Theres also a strange group called the Fey, I myself have never seen a fey slayer but their opposing group is daemon. The Fey usually only spawn during Lord Oaks champion spawns. Only one I can think that spawns normally are wisps.

    If you want to read more about slayers, such as which monster is in which group and all that info I'd refer you to

    On price it really depends slayer weapons with no mods or weak mods like ruin/might are usually priced fairly cheap but once they start getting mods like power/vanq and such on them the price starts to go extremely high.
    Halabinder likes this.
  15. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Hello samhain and welcome back. If you are making a blacksmith/miner for the sole purpose of creating armor, then you shouldn't waste your time. Magic armor is stupidly abundant and you can find/buy a full set of hardening or better armor with little effort. The same goes for non-slayer weapons. Yew is pretty much the best place to find vendors with equipment; though, Ocllo and the forums/IRC can yield some worthwhile treasures too.

    In regards to your build, I would strongly recommend magery as your final skill. Hiding is a great skill but it really only has a single function. Magery, however, will allow you to hide and do a hundred other things.

    As for farming, you'll need to start out with the weak stuff until you get your skills up and get some better gear but there really isn't anything a dexxer can't kill; it just takes us a bit longer and it's about a thousand times riskier than tamers or bards. The upside is that most fights are exciting and it's extremely rewarding taking down big game with just your weapon.

    I hope you enjoy the dexxer and find it as a template as I do.

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