Lets try to kill a champion. I really enjoy these bigger challenges, so lets try to figure out when people will be available for such a feat! I am Gmt + 1, I will likely have time this weekend, how about you ? Signed The Harpy Hater Meloth
It'll be a good chance to gather regs / funds for the event! Annnnnd it's fun. I'm in. Lets pick a time.
Ambitious! I like it. We will need a pretty big group, bigger than who is usually on for our guild. We can invite people via IRC, I am in contact with most of the big players here, and we will have to set aside 90-120 minutes to do this, cause its tough! What we DONT want to do is announce it in the main chat on IRC cause we will get unsavories coming to troll and kill us. Will have to be pretty invitational. Lets try for sometime this saturday.