I have 3 separate auctions going, so thought I'd condense them into one. First up two 5th anniversary bags one pink, one blue. auction is for both for one price sb 200k, bo 500k - SB Ponne Also I have around 1916 plat for sale at 10k per An ethy nightmare for 4.75 mil. (4,750,000, save 250k) annnndddd if anyone wants to buy the brit gate small tower (where Avery's vendor shop was) then you can get it for a flat 25 mil. (Take this rare opportunity to own one of the best small house locations in the game) The anny bags will end 24 hours after 1st bid. Thanks!
Meh not worth it. Best of luck i only wanted the skullcap anyway haha. Good luck on the auction Lark.
I bought it seeing a profit to be made. Either it will be made or I will own a kick ass gate house. At any rate, it's mine to do with what I want, yay capitalism. I don't come down to Venezuela and criticize your breadlines, so run along.
You are ALLL reported ! btw - I bid 4m on the ethy... not to insult you jack, but to avoid getting reported