I'd say wtb tamers quest spot but I'm not even sure if that's a thing. Here's my dilemma I have some of the animals but not all. Willing to help complete the bosses at the event just need to possibly collaborate with others to work on actually getting into scroll area. Is there anyone willing to let me help out for a seat on the scroll completion list if I help with combat, trade my rare pets, and or gold? Ty
100k is the standard rate to purchase a spot on a scroll. Often players will let you in if you help them complete their own scrolls with some of the more difficult animals, such as raging grizzly , dark wolf, savage ostard.
I am waiting for this quest to be run as well. Hoping it happens soon because I want a spot for my tamer and I know a friend of mine does too
You know, with this many people wanting a spot, it would take like 24 hours of collective work to get all the animals together. A good place to start is having all of you post what animals you have stabled and can bring to the table. O^S has guild scrolls we work collectively and it is always surprising how quickly we can pull them together. We use a shared google document to mark who finds what animals and have 1 person in charge of the actual scroll who gatherers up everyone's tames. I am not sure something like this would work on a larger scale but its worth a shot. UOR PUBLIC ZOOKEEPERS SCROLL Please add your forum/irc name in the box of the animals which you can put on the scroll. Since only 10 people can recieve a bonding slot on a run I suggest anyone who donates an animal gets a single roll towards being a part of that bonding group, meaning those who donate the most animals to the public scroll have the highest chance of getting a slot. To save people from losing animals on what could end up being a failed experiment, the scroll holder will only collect the animals once the scroll has been filled and who gets the bonding slots worked out. Ideally only 10 people would donate, each donating a few animals. Another option is to make a list here, first come first serve, of the 10 people who want bonding slots, and those 10 people then collectively working towards the scroll. This may end up being the best way, as having a public google document is not anything I expect to go over well without grief. Limit those 10 people to having the google document link and maybe it could work.