Type [noh in-game to bring up the scorecard at any time. The CotD scoring system has no real reward besides showing it off! I do wish it was reset by year, but we can still share our super high scores. Some people even had a score over 9000! You can tell by the two I am showing here that the overall minion/mini-boss count is likely off or not showing all the way. I just like to see overall scores and how people are farming CotD.
As a provo, I noticed that I don't get CotD points for everything I "kill" as denoted by drops and the kills on the website.
My first years running with as a pure dexer didn't allowed me to make mini bosses scores... but his year, thanks a covid quarantine and a green horse I was able to make 4k+ of points
First time on this halloween event. Had a great time! Lots of fun in COTD and NOH. I made all my cotd runs with a new disco macer I just finished days before and it performed really well. I wish I had more time this last week, but all in all I think I did very well. Got my fair share of statuettes, trophies and few rares