does everyone here hang out in occlo? I had high hopes there were a lot of players here by how occlo looked, but I went to brit and saw 2 people.. so what is the active population here?
They are... A) AFK in Ocllo B) AFK in Britain C) AFK in Houses D) Hunting in mines (see golem farming) E) Playing in instances/limited locations (see AMIBs and Zookeeper quest) F) Crafting in houses (see BOD system) G) Being PKed by me
continued... H) T-Hunting (new T-Hunt system) I) Fishing Related ( dropping nets-fishing up treasure MiBs-or fishing up nets/mibs/lvl 1 maps) J) Training something- (Tamers anywhere animals are found-Bulls*/Bards where Sailors are found or Zoo/Ocllo Dungeon and overland/ Banks/Houses) K) Chopping Trees/ Mining L) searching for Housing Spots/Idoc's M) Decorating their Homes N) myself atm- organizing 100's of maps and sos's for easier wealth accumulation!
But how can you be PKing anyone if they're all hiding in those places? OP: No one really bank sits, in my experience. Fancy clothing will be maced off. Anything not nailed down will be stolen. Welcome to Felucca!
You should of seen Occlo Bank last night. A set of tamers and crafters showing off their best blessed rare color stuff all standing in a uniform line. They were flexing their epeen reviewing their in game accomplishments with one another. In between that they were talking politics and saying "balance". It was a scene right out of Trammel. I threw up in my mouth a little. It pains me to think that this is one of the first things new players see.
You will find that there is a TON to do on this shard so people do not sit around afk bank sitting. Hop on irc is the best advice I can give to start getting involved.