Joined in on some capture the flag (CTF) action last night for the first time. Had a lot of fun! If you haven't done it before, I would recommend it! I was reluctant to join because I thought you lost your equipment every time you die but you don't damage or lose your resources/armor/weaps (ex mages only need 1 of each reg in their pouch and can cast for the event). When you die you start back with all your gear, no need to re-equip or loot! I haven't played in years so am a little rusty on the PVP side but this is a great place to practice and you don't need to be perfect. - This video was posted by mikek85 on another post and it got me excited to try, but is a good sneak peek. Thanks everyone for the good time! I've been playing here a couple months now and have really had a fantastic experience so far.
It really is fun! I too was reluctant to join but the first time I played I had tons of fun. And also managed to be the Flag Master. Newbie luck! I have the trophy to this day hanging on my log cabin.