CTF Templates

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Savage, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Now that most of my PvM characters are built or getting there, I am starting to work a few PvP based builds. I haven't participated in any CTF or Pvp Tournaments, but I would like to ease back into it when I feel comfortable my with toon.
    My first Savage is- Mage/Eval/Med/Resist/Anat/Wrestle/Scribe. This should be a solid build for PvP Tournaments and field stuff I may do down the road.

    What would you suggest as a successful CTF Template? If you feel like elaborating on why something works better, I would like to hear that also.
    Thanks for any information you're willing to share.
  2. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    It really depends on what you want to do.

    Flag Running?

    I've used GM Eval/Hiding/Magery/Medi/Music/Provo/Resist to get Flag Master, Top Killer, and Best Medic in all sorts of CTF's....even on the winning teams...so I guess it depends. :p Alas, I use that build because i'm a smart @$$.

    If you're looking to be a flag runner, a healer mage with wrestling decked out in invul leather armor, pots, etc... will probably see you through. (90/45/90) Buff/Chug Pots/Time bandage as you run up to the flag and they will have a very tough time killing you. Get a team mate or two to heal you along the way and they may not ever kill you unless they're properly organized.

    A lumberjacker with magery stacked with a runic axe and purple pots....teamed with a partner....will get you a lot of kills. (85/100/40)

    Make sure your stats are balanced. There are no "set" balanced stats as it is all dependent on how you play and what you want to do. Fine tune them for you and how you play.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2015
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  3. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 23, 2015
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    I probably should just throw a mage base in there and see what it is like, and try to build off experience, but I hate re-training characters once GMed.
    My previous PvP was probably 70% healer 30% damage, I prefer to hang back and keep my team alive and only go offensive if extra damage is needed to finish. Heal Mage build? Mage/Eval/Med/Resist/Anat/Heal/Wrestle ? or is hiding, tracking a better investment of skill?
  4. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Hiding and Tracking will not help you in CTF unless they've changed the rules since i've last hopped in one. (I've been really busy lately and usually am sound asleep when CTF's roll about now.)

    If you like the defensive role, then toss a mage in there and see what its like.

    Learn how to use the choke points to wall people in with Wall of Stone. Sometimes, the easiest way to kill a flag runner on a team that is not in voice chat together, is to wall off the Flag runner from the rest of his team and dump him with your random team mates. Of course, if you're all in voice chat then this might change things up. Regardless, walling him off will help out, though. I remember one match where I was constantly walling off the flag runner in our base for my team to drop him while walling off dexxers in a middle section to get dropped. I didn't get a trophy for it, but it certainly helped us win the match. :)

    Get your targeting setup if you haven't already. Last Target, Target Self, Next Target, Set Last Target, Target Nearest Enemy, etc...

    Get used to probing for people with unbalanced stats for the easy Mindblast... Learn how to further unbalance their stats. Unbalanced stats are easy kills and some people still use them for some reason or another.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2015
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  5. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Thank you for your advice Lightshade, the only CTF's I would attend would be on the weekends as it's my bedtime is before they happen weeknights, like right about now. lol
    g'nite I'll check this tomorrow.

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