Sorry, I have been away from the UO world for a LONG time now. When I quit before, on SP rare and small fish sold on vendors pretty well because they would stack on top of bless spells. Do they sell here is should I just dump them?
I've been here a year and I've never seen anyone sell them. Not sure if they stack on top of bless, though.
I would determine if they stack on top of Bless. Do they just impact INT, or do they help DEX and STR too? I know nothing about fishing, and I collect random combat stuff like this all the time, so it sounds like this is something I'd be interested in
Uhg! Well just tested and they don't stack. They just add a flat +5 to the stat, the stat being relevant to the fish. Maybe I'll still try and see once I have a vendor up. Always worth a shot.
Ah, well maybe not so much of a market then. Unless they have a long duration or something. Not to make you smoke too much of your stock or anything, but if you eat two of them can you get up to +10 in the stat?