Recently I aquired a Dancer Statuette from said reindeer, and I cannot seem to be able to locate anywhere in the forums the stats on how many are actually around the shard. The only info I got so far is they are a 1/100 drop so If anyone knows the link can it please get posted somewhere. I would definetly appreciate it. Page 2 of it, seems to be 2 of em in hue 1194 as of 7hrs ago. Hit me up on irc, I'll get you paid =P
It's the 1194 color thats shown and I have 1 of 2 shardwide SWEET. Sorry D4ve I'm keeping it. I just was inquiring how many there were out there. (my 1st extremly rare uo find ever)
Heh I hear ya, got a hue 1193 spellbook titled 'a book of dark magic' dropped from a battlemage last night. Currently it's not in th database, so between th hue, th name, and th fact I filled it with spells, I'm entertaining offers starting at 10mill, if it's still th only one when th database updates later, but then I don't really want to part with it. Those reindeer statues, not many dropped this year, at least this I know of.
lol, exactly, but that 10mill would get me CONSIDERING the idea of selling it, doubt I ever will. 's purdy