Hello everybody! I have some extra deco for sale! All prices are BO and gold only. Please hit me up on discord once you've selected an item. Thanks! View attachment 62183 A) Ancient treasure chest with trim hue 2418 x 4 - 30k each B) Ancient treasure chest with trim hue 2413 x 2 - 30k each C) Sold D) Sold E) An ornate treasure chest with trim hue 1193 x 1 - 70k each F) Sold G) Sold View attachment 62184 H) Ancient treasure chest without trim hue 2413 x 4 - 25k each I) Ancient treasure chest without trim hue 2425 x 3 - 25k each J) Ancient treasure chest without trim hue 2213 x 20 - 25k each K) Ancient treasure chest without trim hue 2475 x 1 - 25k each L) Ancient treasure chest without trim hue 2424 x 9 - 25k each M) An ornate treasure chest without trim hue 1194 x 1 - 70k each N) Sold O) Sold P) An ornate treasure chest without trim hue 1193 x 1 - 70k each Q) An ornate treasure chest without trim hue 1154 x 2 - 70k each R) Sold S) Broken chair - 10k T) Rock 1 - 25k U) Stack of arrows - 85k V) Full plate of food - 5k W) Half full plate of food - 5k X) Dirty plate of food - 5k Y) Pot of wax - 75k Z) Stacked iron ingots - 20k AA) Stacked copper ingots - 20k BB) Stacked silver ingots - 20k CC) Stacked golden ingots - 20k DD) Rabbit's feet (green) x 1 -80k EE) Sold FF) Lucky's bridle x 2 - 60k each GG) A jockey's whip x 2 - 60k each HH) Horseshoes - 2k II) Furry dragon scale - 200k JJ) A fruit basket - 20k KK) Full vials - 200k LL) Full 4 jars - 15k MM) Full 3 jars - 15k NN) Empty 3 jars - 15k OO) Empty 2 jars - 15k PP) Empty jar - 10k QQ) Rope x 2 - 10k each RR) Black sandals (non blessed) - 10k SS) Full hay - 15k TT) Thin hay - 15k CCC) Sold DDD) Sold EEE) A holiday stone chair hue 1151 - 30k FFF) A holiday stone chair hue 1165 - 175k GGG) A holiday stone chair hue 1193 - 30k
1 of each of these UU) Special fishing net hue 1205 x 4 - 40k each VV) Special fishing net hue 1170 x 3 - 40k each WW) Special fishing net hue 1105 x 5 - 40k each YY) Special fishing net hue 333 x 1 - 40k ZZ) Special fishing net hue 489 x 1 - 40k AAA) Special fishing net hue 155 x 4 - 40k each BBB) Special fishing net hue 205 x 1 - 40k