Duel System - Request For Comment

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    This post will server as our discussion thread regarding the new dueling system. Such topics as balancing, default options, scoring etc.


    Current Options
    5x Mage Duel -
    • Disallowed Spells
      • Wall of Stone
      • Fire Field
      • Poison Field
      • Energy Field
      • Reactive Armor
      • Protection
      • Teleport
      • Arch Protection
      • Recall
      • Blade Spirits
      • Incognito
      • Magic Reflection
      • Paralyze
      • Summon Creature
      • Invisibility
      • Mark
      • Paralyze Field
      • Energy Field
      • Gate Travel
      • Polymorph
      • Energy Vortex
      • Air Elemental
      • Summon Daemon
      • Earth Elemental
      • Fire Elemental
      • Water Elemental
      • Earthquake
      • Meteor Swarm
      • Chain Lightning
      • Resurrection
    • Allowed Weapons
      • Wrestling
    • Specifically Allowed Skills
      • Magery
      • Meditation
      • Wrestling
      • Anatomy
      • Magic Resist
      • Detect Hidden
      • Evaluating Intelligence
    • Allowed Items
      • Trapped Containers
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Current Options
    7x Mage Duel -
    • Disallowed Spells
      • Wall of Stone
      • Fire Field
      • Poison Field
      • Energy Field
      • Reactive Armor
      • Protection
      • Teleport
      • Arch Protection
      • Recall
      • Blade Spirits
      • Incognito
      • Magic Reflection
      • Paralyze
      • Summon Creature
      • Invisibility
      • Mark
      • Paralyze Field
      • Energy Field
      • Gate Travel
      • Polymorph
      • Energy Vortex
      • Air Elemental
      • Summon Daemon
      • Earth Elemental
      • Fire Elemental
      • Water Elemental
      • Earthquake
      • Meteor Swarm
      • Chain Lightning
      • Resurrection
    • Allowed Weapons
      • Wrestling
    • Allowed Combat Abilities
      • Stun
    • Specifically Allowed Skills
      • Anatomy
      • Detect Hidden
      • Evaluating Intelligence
      • Healing
      • Magic Resist
      • Magery
      • Meditation
      • Poison
      • Wrestling
    • Allowed Items
      • Trapped Containers
      • Refresh Potions
      • Bandages
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Current Options
    7x Standard Duel -
    • Disallowed Spells
      • Wall of Stone
      • Fire Field
      • Poison Field
      • Energy Field
      • Reactive Armor
      • Protection
      • Teleport
      • Arch Protection
      • Recall
      • Blade Spirits
      • Incognito
      • Magic Reflection
      • Paralyze
      • Summon Creature
      • Invisibility
      • Mark
      • Paralyze Field
      • Energy Field
      • Gate Travel
      • Polymorph
      • Energy Vortex
      • Air Elemental
      • Summon Daemon
      • Earth Elemental
      • Fire Elemental
      • Water Elemental
      • Earthquake
      • Meteor Swarm
      • Chain Lightning
      • Resurrection
    • Allowed Weapons/Armor
      • All Weapons
      • All Armor
    • Disallowed Weapons
      • Runic Weapons
    • Allowed Combat Abilities
      • All Allowed
    • Specifically Allowed Skills
      • Anatomy
      • Archery
      • Detect Hidden
      • Evaluating Intelligence
      • Fencing
      • Macing
      • Magic Resist
      • Magery
      • Meditation
      • Poison
      • Swordsmanship
      • Tactics
      • Wrestling
    • Allowed Items
      • Trapped Containers
      • Refresh Potions
      • Bandages
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Duel Flavors: These can be set on/off for any of the standard duel types as a quick way to customize the duel.


    • Potions
      • Allows all potions (excluding explosion potions, these must be specifically enabled via custom)
    • Paralyze
      • Allows the Paralyze Blow/Spell (verify)
    • Field
      • Allows field spells
    • Area Effect
      • Allows Chain Lightning, Meteor Shower and Earthquake
    • Summons
      • Allows Summons
  5. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I'd like to see a simple option for "everything goes" and "everything but magics".
  6. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Heeeelllooooo people!

    Relax! I've had some food - I'm ok now... Yes I was bitching and carrying on about the new duelling system, but have calmed down after some eye fillet steak, kumara, pumpkin and potatoes :)

    I would like to make a suggestion about the new dueling system....
    Remove all the gumps and options - make it pvp as if it were in the field. (why have it any other way! giving people excuses for why they lost etc etc - simple is always good)

    "I wish to duel thee" (target person) /accept or /decline. You both appear in the arena you fight - GG next person in que gets in.

    Thanks for putting up with my opinion!

    Now i want to push my luck... can we have a gate to return from the arenas? for the pure dexxers :) ta
  7. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    This isn't a duel, it's essentially a field fight. The dueling arena is set up to rank and reward players who duel under a set of rules. If you don't want to be limited in what you can do in the arena then you have to adjust the custom settings. It's a "dueling" arena and as such it's customary to have rules; rules that can only be set through that gump system you were not too fond of.

    I think it's designed perfectly. It prevents people from "accidentally" chugging that cure/heal during a duel, or stunning you, or field spells, etc..

    I see what you're saying though and it is a pain to reset the custom menu for every no holds barred fight you want to have. An un-ranked free for all option would be a nice addition.
  8. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I'm not sure its necessary to have 7x mage duel and standard 7x. I think the 7x mage one could be removed altogether. Perhaps an anything goes default could go there.
  9. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Thanks for clarifying what it is Cynic, it's still terrible, now lets fix it! :)

    Yea sorry- I still don't get the point of being ranked in a duelling system that isn't relevant to UO pvp....
    Wow you bet me because I can't drink pots.... or wow you are ranked on the leader board at number #1 for beating dexxers who can't reapply their poisons- Clap clap... you have achieved nothing relevant to UO PVP.

    The thought was nice, by providing some variation to pvp, so that people could customise their fights. But after having tested it, I think it's more of a headache and should be simplified.
    Heck, I even think anyone from anywhere on the map should be able to challenge someone and spawn in an arena, then ported back immediately (of course with some restrictions to prohibit porting exploitation) - but we already had this discussion and it doesn't fit with the shards identity and I respect that.
  10. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    ^ If that's your concern, then simply don't enter battles that are not "everything goes". What's the problem here?
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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  12. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    We can easily convert the custom duel type into this.

    Also from watching players use the system, it is clear we need to change the order of the listings as well. So having that as the default, might be best.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Aye, it would be most sensible to have the default be anything goes. Haven't had a chance to test it yet but looks nice. :)
  14. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I really don't feel like turning this into a heated discussion so i'll make this as simple as possible. Contrary to what you might believe about skill or difficulty involved in the different aspects of pvp, there is in fact much skill/desire to be had by set dueling environments apart from all out field rules. For example, just because you don't see the "risk" or "skill" involved in a pure mage 5x duel, you completely overlook that perhaps this style of duel requires much more skill and timing than any other aspect of UO pvp. It requires a set of timing, spell usage, footwork, etc. that far exceeds any other form of pvp I've taken part in. However, the beauty of the dueling system is that it allows you to choose what type of duel you wish to partake in. It's one aspect of UO that draws a large crowd of interest to more or less gauge who is above the rest in certain areas of pvp whether is a 5x mage duel, or a full out field fight, or a 2v2, etc. If you don't like a particular set of rules, then don't accept the duel, or create your own. However, to simply do away with all forms of dueling aside from "field" rules you're being completely biased toward your own preference and disregarding a majority favored set of other rules that require certain restrictions which we find to be highly mechanically skillful and "fun."
  15. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Your overlooking my point.... it has nothing to do with skill - I know more than most people about the skill it takes to be successful in pvp (and yes I play a pure/stun mage).

    If you want a pure mage battle then challenge those mages... or accept fights from those mages...
    Don't duel dexxers if don't want to - you don't need a menu to do this.
    My argument is that rather than attracting people to use the duelling system it will put people off! - a simple signup system for a complicated game will attract more users.

    The point is that it can be made easier.

    The problem here is that I wont be entering any battles will I? -.-
  16. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Exactly how much easier could it be made & in what way would that be accomplished?
  17. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    And in what way will it put people off? Every server I've played that has had a strikingly similar system has attracted MASS amounts of players of all styles. And if you don't find the system that's in place pretty simplistic, then idk what to tell you.
  18. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    "I wish to duel thee" (target person) /accept or /decline. You both appear in the arena you fight - GG

    With this method you are controlling what kind of fight you will have, but without all the options... ok maybe it might be hard to tell if the person you are targeting is a pure mage or a hybrid, but you will know after one fight, and the shard pop isn't so huge that you don't know who is who - more like a family :)
  19. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  20. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Calm down bro!
    State your premises and leave out the clobber. Thanks for your opinion

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