(Ended) 2x small Marble Workshop mining houses for sale.

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Agathune, Jan 30, 2023.

  1. Agathune

    Agathune Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 2, 2017
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    (Updated) Selling 2 houses recently placed after returning. These auctions are for house only (I'm poor and need the stuff haha).
    Auction rules
    48 hours if 1 bid
    24 hours after every subsequent bid
    Auction ends 24 hours after last bid

    No private offers

    First up is a small marble workshop, 1 reachable iron that I know about close to East Brit, a golem cave and placed directly in front of the mountain pass North of brit.
    S/B 100k, B/I 10k


    Second House is also a small Marble workshop located centrally between Cove, Vesper and Minoc. This house has 2 iron nodes reachable from inside the house and is Very close to a Golem Cave for easy mining/battle mining. With abundant oak forest located immediately south and it's close proximity to Covetous dungeon this house is ideally located as a drop house for many types of gathering activities, even pk'ing thanks to it's close proximity to Covetous. screenshot_2023-01-30_09-01-38.png

    S/B 150k
    B/I 10k

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023

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