Just thought I'd share an achievement that happened last night. When I started here back in late 2013, one of my first chars was a miner. At that time, it was just plain mining, no golems. I would mine to make ingots to make coifs and sell them to fund regs for a provo/mage as well as 3 fishemen. I believe I got to the mid 70's mining, before mostly playing the provo/mage to make gold to fund a house and start other chars. After GMing the skills on the provo/mage and the 3 fishermen. I decided to GM the miner, I can still remember when that first golem popped out and attacked/killed me! LOL! I was like WTF is happened? Once I learned the new rule set, I stopped mining to built a LJ to to kill the golems for the miner. That of course took a while, leaving the miner to his adept status. Long story short, after 5 yrs and several attempts to make time to GM a miner, it happened last night. Finally! This is a wonderful place to play the game I fell in love with 20 yrs ago! Thank you for reading & long live UOR!