i was just doing some research for a firehorn pvper and wanted to share my findings. all calculations are based on the default runuo code. note: the damage values below relate specifically to PvP. PvM targets take more damage.
What does "hit" mean? Does it literally fizzle? I tested this out a while back and also found the range, splash area, and cooldown period underwhelming. Though I do think for those duel events in a box, which can last a while and in which mana is at a premium, there might be some potential.
so the rundown is: Musicanship decides what your chance of success is. 95% success at GM Musicianship. the formula for the max damage which your firehorn will do goes: ((((prov + (disc / 5) + (peace / 5)) / 3) * 2) / 30) KIND OF RETARDED. anyway, disc and peace totals get divided by 5 whereas prov counts straight up, so take prov. here are some things: if you fail your hit, no damage will occur and sysmessage "The horn emits a pathetic squeak." you may target up to two tiles away. the splash radius is two tiles. the cooldown is 12 seconds. each use consumes 15 sulferous ash. the firehorn has a 16% chance to break on every use. with targeting range and splash range, you should be able to hit up to four tiles away.
here are the PvM numbers. if you are hitting multiple mobs (or players, for that matter), the damage will just be divided equally between them.