Currently, fishing nets are more of a décor item. I have dozens of them and am not inclined to use them. The issue is you can spawn some serps and krakens but they don't have the normal loot like when fishing them up with a pole. For example, when you fish up a serp using a pole, it will have either a Tmap, MIB, big fish, or Net. When you use a net to fish, a serp has nothing aside from gold. To make fishing nets a viable resource other than décor, I suggest that the MOBs fished up using nets have the same chance of loot as if you were using a pole. Please comment and/or vote. A secondary suggestion is to allow a very small chance of pulling up a Shipwrecked Kraken using a fishing net. A different discussion and not part of the poll. I say yes... but a much smaller chance than if using fishing with pole... perhaps .25% chance instead of the 5% if using fishing pole. A lower chance because you are going to get a MOB every time you throw a net. Using a pole takes a long time to find a MOB, 1 in 20 that it will be a SW Krak.
I would also like to point out that there are 1,960 regular special fishing nets (hue 2208) in game... most of which are being stored away and not used as décor.
I believe there are already plans in motion to revamp fishing nets. Chance for Kraken and undead pirate ship, if I recall?
Despite the fact that I voted yes I have found many times nets' krakens that had mibs. I guess I voted yes because of the 'variety' factor that seems not to exist at the moment.
When you do, remember I'm always buying ancient MiB's and the ore colored chests you can get from them.
The plan at the moment is to implement 2-3 new results when using a net. Spawning a pirate ship complete with pirates and krakens. (Very Rare chance, spawning an ancient MIB) Spawning a sea based mini boss. (Rare Chance, Special Loot) Possible changes to the normal spawn as well. Best guess this will be seen in patch 41/42.
Krakens from fishing nets have a 25% chance to provide a message in a bottle, normal spawning ones only have a 1/40 chance. The Kraken - Bestiary