Fishing SOS's

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by RonsSC1, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. RonsSC1

    RonsSC1 New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Hello all, I'm a newbie to this server, I've been playing for the last month or so, trying to save enough gold for a house. I was looking at the website's main page with the fishing and how a person can fish up an ancient SOS if their skill is 100 and to get the treasure it brings you to a dungeon with pirate's, etc. My question is, is it this way for ALL of the SOS's that a person gets or is it just a rare item that you get once in awhile? I was playing on a different server and the fishing of the SOS's never had this. You'd catch a serpent, kill it and you'd get an SOS. To get the treasure and the gold, you had to go to the location on the SOS. Is it this way or is it the other way where you have to fight the pirate's to get the treasure? I have searched the forums and I cant find any answer to this, that's why I'm posting this. Any help with my question would be appreciated. Thanks........
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Hail seafarer. The regular sos's work the same as you indicated. You go to the location and fish up the treasure. The ancient sos's are rare and only spawn off a kraken. I would recommend that your Fisher be able to fight because the rate of serpents is a little high.
  3. RonsSC1

    RonsSC1 New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Thanks for the quick response. My plan is to right now work on getting myself a tower. Once I have it, I need about $30,000 before I can buy it, I will start working on my fighter and his fighting, healing and resisting spells skills. When they are respectable, then it will be time to hit the high sea's. But I'm glad that the SOS's are still the same as in the actual UO game.
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    You can read all about the fishing expansion here.

    Ancient MIB's

    Welcome to UO Renaissance Ron

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