One thing Kali and I noticed today is that big fish now displays the weight and the person who caught the fish... ...making it a much more desirable item to mount. Also while fishing today, I looted 2 big fish off of sea serpents - as if they ate the fish (which is a great idea! Thanks staff!). What are folk's thoughts are on participating in a fishing tournament? My thought is a 2 day tourney, 5/10k entry, 1st (75% of pot), 2nd (15%), 3rd (5%). Also the winner with the biggest fish would get a free mount (100k value - would need donations to make this happen and we could do biggest green and biggest blue). This is just an idea and terms/prizes will likely change. My first concern is someone entering a fish caught prior to the 2 day tourney. Im throwing out the idea and would appreciate any input. Also, please post if you would be interested. Thanks.
This sounds like a great idea. Also, maybe have a simultaneous start (from multiple towns?) at one of the bigger docks. All the fishers could be lined up in their boats.
Have not made any fishermen yet but this sure sounds like a sweet idea! I would be happy to contribute to the mount even if I don't participate. Cheers
Man if there could be a way to guarantee nobody just saved a gigantic catch before the Tourny this would be a super sweet idea...could have it once a month or something like that. Another great way to get player interaction/bonding. Definitely has my vote!