I fished half of Saturday and most of Sunday, this was my total pull. 7 - MiB's 12 - lvl 1 Maps 11 - Nets 1 - AMiB 1 - Big Fish (161 stones) 380 Horned Leather- 38 Serpents, not all were fished up. 1 - Loch Lake Monster- which I finally got a Peace on, raised "Full Sails" and ran like hell for the sake of my two non combat trained fishermen! 1 - Kraken-may he RiP. My main question is, are Big Fish really that rare? One fish in the majority of a weekend? I remember pulling a Big Fish right out of the water. and if it weighed too much it would fall on the deck. The Big Fish I caught was in a Serpent's belly. My second question I guess would be if there are other methods that might yield better results, such as dropping nets? P.S.(edit) Barding a Loch Lake is difficult, I really dont want a Pet on my ship if I can get away with it. What are your prefered tactics for taking down a LLM if you dont mind sharing?
I use one of two methods when fishing: 1. A. Use 3 fishers (mage ebolt spam) B. Toss each net as I get them. C. Wait until I have ~200 MIBs and fish them all up. D. Sell all lvl 1 Maps in a mega auction. E. Do each AMiB as an Ironman. 2. A. Use 3 fishers (mage ebolt spam) B. Sell all nets at 3-3.5k ea. C. Sell all MiBs at 2-2.5k ea. D. Sell all lvl 1 Maps in a mega auction. E. Sell each AMiB. Big fish are rare, hence the tournaments hosted by Zyler every few months. The weight of the fish (very heavy or very light) are also part of the rarity.
Thanks Cynic! Ok, I'll just have to fish my arse off and tell the wife she can watch all the chick-flicks she owns, just leave me be! May 1-9!
as far as LLM goes if you have any magery you can cast bladespirits on other side of deck and he will attack it takes about 5 bladespirits to kill him otherwise if you pull more then LLM you can voke the others onto him easy enough and then blade spirit him down.