Isolated Coastal Villa - west of Skara Brae. I scoured the land a few months ago for the most isolated waterfront Villa spot, and this is the only one I could find that couldn't have a 7x7 or any other house placed on the same screen. SB: deed plus 10k BO: taking offers ends 24 hours after high bid
12 hours to go! This place took me a solid 4 hours to find. Easily the worst ROI activity I've ever done on this shard (besides arguing with Blaise)
Sold! Simoneau Trade, enjoy your waterfront summer home when you need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of your vendor shop in the city of Yew. Message me on IRC when you're free to make the trade and I should be able to get out there and transfer.
Smooth trade, really sad to see this go! But hopefully the new owner gets more use out of it than I did.