SOLD a placed Fortress on Grass. It is in the mountain passage North of Brit GY. There is a large brick house in front and a large keep behind, nothing to the sides but mountains. Two people I know of would have runes to CY (Descartes and I). Plat with be Valued at 6k per. Starting Bid 2.5mil - Buyout 3.7mil -SOLD
This was formerly Caly of Yew's fortress at one point in ages past (I think he was the original owner). We've seen a good handful of placements in the area and I wouldn't guess for a second that any tile in that CY can be trusted. Not trying to diminish the sale. The property is worth every bit of the asking price.
Blaise thats like telling your Girlfriend " I don't want to be mean, but you don't look that great in that outfit." But we can still have a great night right? Nothing has changed?
I'm married and I absolutely tell my wife when I don't like her outfit. Call me an asshole but at least I'm honest. I'd rather have her upset that I don't like her dress, than upset that I lied to her all night about an ugly dress. As for the comparison to saying your CY hasn't got a secure tile in site, it's just a safe guess for any potential buyers. There are simple security measures one can take that should render it a non-issue but to say that you and Descartes are the only rune holders is definitely limited to your knowledge of the area. I'm just sharing the truth. Sorry if that seems like a burn or whatever. It's meant to help buyers understand what they are buying and it is still absolutely worth at least 3m in my opinion. Ragnarok, I'm definitely capable of filling that role.
Blaise, you're fat and that outfit makes you look even more fat. Ill trade vendor sandals and two grey polar bear furs for this property.