The Sun is blocked out by so much smoke and soot that you would think the world it's self was on fire! *Coughs* Warriors be ready!!!... *Coughs* Here it comes! It's coming back!... Take the Women and Chil.... Thud I awoke to the smell of burning Flesh and wood. The Wyrm has left only a few survivors... Bodies strewn everywhere. Hearing a few screams here and some groans there. I stumble to the designated hiding place of the women and children in case of attack. Stopping in my tracks I drop to my knees I notice it.... My wife and child burnt and charred holding him tight to her body still smoldering I pass out from the shock...... Years later our numbers are low our morale is low. We are scattered throughout the lands! If you get this message please contact me! If we ever are to rebuild our people and our greatness and reclaim our land we need you! So please contact your Chieftain Morin Oakstone for we will reclaim our landn We are a RPing guild who participate with other RP guilds. We are not a Uber RP guild by try to keep it RP but going OOC is OK sometimes. If you have anymore questions please direct your questions to me either In game as Morin Oakstone on here or in IRC where I go by the same name. Thanks for readying this!