Before the new silly names start popping up like Dalavar Scammage, I'd be willing to bet it was a mistake or a bug. Dalavar isn't shady...and I wouldn't say "so well known" he just likes to hear himself talk, so you see him everywhere on the forums. But a scammer? Nah.
Amusingly, when word of this bug came out yesterday, I spent 20k in fortification powder, fortifying a "fairly worn gargoyle pickaxe" to 255/255 durability, to confirm that it says "fairly worn" at all levels of durability. Although I am tickled by the fact that you thought I'd spend hours mining manually with 125 gargoyle pickaxes, making sure to switch them out when every single one of them was exactly "fairly worn" (no more, no less!).
Well then. I apologize for my wild accusations. Although I will say there was 1 sturdy pickaxe in the crate....
I've dealt with Dalavar on many occasions and have NEVER got the impression he is shady or dishonest. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Ya dalavars business rep is pretty solid, i think op probably should have comtacted him first before trying to drag his name through the mud.
It was obviously a mistake, triggered by an unexpected code change. Cut the guy some slack But yeah, I have dealt with Dalavar and he's always a stand up dude.
It wasn't a mistake, it was a bug. Every unused pickaxe on the shard is "Fairly Worn". Though I think there's a hotfix coming out today for this and some other recent bugs. Fisher, sorry about that, I thought I checked the weight (1375 stones is what 125 pickaxes weighs, so anything other than that means there's something else in there). If you're on tonight, I should be able to get you the 125th gargoyle pick.
Perhaps the OP should change the thread title. Not everyone will read to the bottom of this to see Dalavar's name has been cleared.
Updated the name of this thread, vs moving it to trash talk. This is indeed a bug, the pickaxes are infact new and patch 55 will resolve this issue.