Gnometrotter Travel Service

Discussion in 'Guides' started by wylwrk, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Gnometrotter Travel Service

    2018-02-09 21_27_52-CompatWindow.png

    > UPDATES <

    TLDR VERSION: It's as easy as 1, 2, 3

    1. approach a travel gnome and say, "gate please"
    2. when the travel gnome responds with "where to?" ....
    3. state your destination as listed below
    Travel gnome's are player run characters that will open moongates to many locations throughout the world after being given specific verbal commands. This character will typically be found near the city bank in Ocllo, or Papua. A third will be placed randomly.

    Note: players currently participating in the [young player program will experience travel restrictions. Please use your time as a new player to acclimate to the game and explore all that Ocllo has to offer before exploring the rest of the Ultima Online world.

    Some gates lead to areas outside the protection of the town guard. Players are susceptible to attack form various creatures and even other players! When entering a player made gate beware a warning asking if you are sure you wish to enter. This indicates that the gate leads to an unprotected destination.

    For dungeons be sure to state the dungeon name followed by the level of said dungeon. For example Deceit 1, Covetous 3, Shame 5.
    Note: Spelling is important


    gate please
    where to?
    *casts gate*
    a gate to Britain!


    gate please
    where to?
    Deceit 2
    *casts gate*
    a gate to Deceit 2 !

    Again, spelling is crucial.

    There can be up to three travel gnomes working at any given time. One at the Papua bank, one at the Ocllo bank, and the other at the (undetermined, presently roaming major cities in Felucca... will update).

    Ocllo Gnome

    Cities: Britain, Buccaneer's Den, Cove (say, "city of love"), Jhelom, Lost Lands, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Nujel'm, Ocllo, RECDU, Serpents Hold, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper, and Yew

    Covetous 1-5, Deceit 1-4, Despise 1-4, Destard 1-3, Fire 1-2, Hythloth 1-4, Ice 1-3, Orc Cave 1-3, Shame 1-5, Wrong 1-3, Terathan Keep east lever, Terathan Keep southwest lever, Terathan Keep balrons, Terathan Keep ophidians, Terathan Keep swamp

    Chaos, Compassion, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Justice, Sacrifice, Spirituality

    Night of Horror - Holiday Event only
    "boo please" for graveyards "to where?" response commands
    Britain, Cove, Jhelom, Moonglow, Nujel'm, Vesper, Yew, Crypt, Chamber of Virtues, Holiday Gift Shop, Scary Brae

    Night of Horror - Holiday Event only - Graveyard Rooftops
    "graveyard roof please" for rooftop "to where?" response commands
    Britain 1-4, Cove, Moonglow 1-3, Yew 1-3
    * compliments of @LanDarr Inc.

    Papua Gnome

    In guard protected zones
    • Delucia, Inn, healer, recsu (a location where you may say the magic word, "recsu" to return to Moonglow)
    Unprotected points of interest
    • mining 1, mining 2, lighthouse, nightmare bridges, nightmare cyclops valley, nightmare oasis, kos heb east 1, kos heb east 2
    Unprotected 'monster' inhabited areas/dungeons
    • city of the dead, cyclops valley, khaldun entrance, orc fort, ogre lord camp, ophidian camp, ophidian lair, the ruins, titan plateau, terathan keep entrance, wyvern island, terra sanctum, kos heb west
    Roaming Gnome
    Cities: Britain east, Britain west, Buccaneer's Den, Cove (say, "city of love"), Jhelom, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Nujel'm, Ocllo, RECDU, Serpents Hold, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper, Yew, and yes even Ocllo

    Overland Spawn: Bog of Desolation, Brigand Camp, Cove Orc Fort, Destard Swamp, Fens of The Dead, Fire Temple, Hedge Maze, Rat Valley, Lich Ruins, Orc Fort 2

    Boss Spawns: arctic ogre mage, azure dragon, beholder, cave troll, dark one, diseased blood elemental, efreet sultan, elder wyrm, forest troll, Gamayun 1, Gamayun 2, Grand Visor of Chaos, mountain troll, ogre mage, Purveyor of Darkness, terathan infiltrator, and wyvern monarch

    Valentine's Event (only): Vday1, Vday2, and Vday3 (hot LZ!)

    ...more to follow with future updates

    If you have any further questions, concerns, or a overwhelming desire to adorn me with money,
    please IRC wylwrk
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    RIN, Lyta, Manbearpig and 23 others like this.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    The Lost Lands

    2017-01-14 15_34_13-Start.png

    The Lost Lands is an expansion added to our beloved Ultima Online in approximately 1998. It is a large environment encompassing lush forests, swamp lands, deserts, ice covered tundra, and a large body of water allowing for both a shallow and deep sea fishing experience. There are many creatures and monster inhabitants as well as exotic new tamable mounts. There are two major cities with all the amenities a Sosarian is used to; Papua and Delucia. Not to be overlooked the mysterious dungeon Khaldun beckons players to either their fortune or their doom. Resources? The Lost Lands are brimming with all the resources you can carry from ore, wood, hides, and much more! Looking to master the art of animal taming? The Lost Lands arguably has the best environment for such an endeavor.

    If you've never been to the Lost Lands before and are afraid of getting "lost".. never fear, a travel gnome is here!

    A travel gnome will be located near the bank in the city of Papua to supply moongates to several locations using the same commands outlined in the guide above.

    These locations are...

    In guard protected zones
    • Delucia, Inn, healer, recsu (a location where you may say the magic word, "recsu" to return to Moonglow)
    Unprotected points of interest
    • mining 1, mining 2, lighthouse, nightmare bridges, nightmare cyclops valley, nightmare oasis, kos heb east 1, kos heb east 2
    Unprotected 'monster' inhabited areas/dungeons
    • city of the dead, cyclops valley, khaldun entrance, orc fort, ogre lord camp, ophidian camp, ophidian lair, the ruins, titan plateau, terathan keep entrance, wyvern island, terra sanctum, kos heb west
    As usual, all I can ask is that you be kind an considerate of others regarding these services.

    If you have any further questions, concerns, or a overwhelming desire to adorn me with money,
    please IRC wylwrk
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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      • 2/9/18 - the Ocllo and Papua gnomes have been upgraded to v1.8! Faster response times and crafting!
      • 2/9/18 - a new travel gnome has finished training and shall offer more destinations!
      • 1/13 to 1/16 - the gnomes are on extended holiday - anticipate return of service (evenings) the 16th
      • 12/20 to 5th/17 - The travel gnomes have been given time off for good behavior until after the upcoming holiday
      • 11/24/17 - added 9 shrine locations / Ocllo travel gnome
      • 10/13/17 - added several graveyard rooftop locations - Thanks to @LanDarr Inc!
      • 10/12/17 - added several Night of Horrors locations
      • 9/29 - 10/01/17 - the gnomes are going to Jamaica for the weekend. Services will return Monday. Cheers.
      • 9/02/17 - at the behest of an outstanding... nay, a pillar of the community I was left but one choice, the right choice, to put Terathan Keep back on the menu. See the OP for details.
      • 8/18/17 - Dungeon Fairy earned his wings and has officially retired - not to be outdone, I've replaced the service with "travel gnomes"
      • 7/11/17 - after much testing (and contrary to advertising) there is little interest to services for T2A.... service disabled
      • 6/24/17 - been back a few days and shall leave it up over the weekend... anticipate further service exclusive to thurs, fri, sat
      • 2/24/17 - I'm going on vacation (soon) and will be gone from UO for approximately 30 or so days. The GPS Travel Service will be down during that time. G'luck in your travels.
      • 2/16/17 - When waiting for a destination command, sometimes Dungeon Fairy would hear another would-be-banker's super macro which included the magical phrase "recdu" thus, causing a malfunction. Moving forward "recdu" is off the list and replaced with "Lost Lands"
      • 2/13/17 - Dungeon Fairy Travel Service is under new management.
      • 2/13/17 - Special Holiday Edition - Dungeon Fairy will provide travel to a interesting new location. "Vday Event". Try it today!
      • 2/09/17 - after one month analysis, the travel service shall remain exclusive to weekend evenings (fri, sat, sun)
      • 1/28/2017 - Added 5 spots to Terathan Keep on Dungeon Fairy
      • 1/14/2017 - Now featuring services in the Lost Lands (T2A)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
    BlackEye and Black Tortoise like this.
  4. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Thanks and yes, that's correct. I've made contact with the indigenous peoples there and interviewing their shamans for the right candidate.
    Hadrian and One like this.
  6. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  7. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    So the Dungeon Fairy will scavenge gems and regs if we wanna drop some donations right?
    Hadrian, eherruh and wylwrk like this.
  8. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Yes, that's right. GPS Travel Service follows the two second rule.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
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  9. Delavego

    Delavego Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Good service!
    wylwrk and PaddyOBrien like this.
  10. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Update 2/09/17 - after one month analysis, the travel service shall remain exclusive to weekend evenings (fri, sat, sun)
    Erza Scarlet likes this.
  11. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  12. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I see every (successful) gate, runekit request, and abuse attempt (screenshots and vid).
    I added them up through the weekdays, compared and it became an easy decision... for now.
    One likes this.
  13. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    wylwrk likes this.
  14. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Dungeon Fairy Travel Service has merged with GPS Inc. in an effort to better serve the citizens of Britannia and The Lost Lands. Moving forward the service shall be referred to officially as, GPS Travel Service. This merger is signified by the founding of a new guild, Getting People Somewhere.

    In the spirit of the occasion, GPS Travel Service will remain in operation throughout the holiday event. Dungeon Fairy will provide service to the event champion spawn with the destination of, "vday event".

    Fundraising has begun to facilitate the future construction project of a rune library with a new and exciting twist. This ongoing project will begin with a keen eye on functionality first and follow up renovations as opportunities arise. As well, we look forward to offering an assortment of corresponding goods for our clients to enjoy. Several players have already shown their appreciation for our super star employee, Dungeon Fairy. This appreciation has been set aside in anticipation of future expansion processes that unfortunately will be inherently cost producing.

    We also anticipate delivering data that will better assist our adventurous clients make well informed travel plans as they seek to carve their place in the world. Our expert in the field Ethologists are working hard to provide you with insider information that will boost our clients' daily earnings. This comparative analysis report will cover dungeons, overland spawns, and crafting resources in a multi-part process including custom UOAM files.

    Overall, the primary focus will always be providing superior service to our clients as they travel, discover, and explore an ever expanding library of destinations.

    Thank you,

    GPS Inc is a neutral organization. We here at GPS Inc will never and can never provide more than or less than our best service possible to any citizen.
    GPS Inc staff will never provide first hand private intelligence on our travelling customers. Our service policies are designed to ensure equality for all be it blue, red, or grey.
    GPS Inc believes that one is never truly safe in Britannia. Everyone travels at their own risk. We will not intentionally add to that risk.

    GPS Inc is an equal opportunity player.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
    Hadrian, Azerothian, Soear and 3 others like this.
  15. Azerothian

    Azerothian Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 12, 2015
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    What timezone do you use to define "evenings"?
  16. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Good question... CST

    Since returning service in July, "business" if we should call it that has picked up significantly.

    DF averaged 43 gates a day this week, 38 (again, average) of which were to dungeons! I'm going to keep it up 24/7 as long as I can for now.

    Ah, and I'm reminded of my past plans for a rune library. Funny thing... since mentioning it in this thread SEVERAL libraries and runebook shops have opened.
    At GPS our single objective is get people out there playing. So long as that's happening, we're happy.

    I will take this moment to say we're planning on opening strip clubs and gambling halls (looks around)... I said STRIP CLUBS AND GAMBLING HALLS!
    One and Azerothian like this.
  17. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Kendachi and wylwrk like this.
  18. Rags

    Rags New Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    I just wanted say thank you for these travel services. They've really helped me out, especially the lost lands.
    wylwrk likes this.
  19. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Thank you to all who have contributed to the Gnomtrotter Travel Service as of late. I have been surprised by the frequency and generosity shown by the community.
    Even the 'rude' travel gnome normally on duty in Ocllo was seen flashing a rare smile.

    Thanks all. The greatest donation will always be your attendance in the game actively socializing and having fun.
    One likes this.
  20. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023

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