Ran across you folks while searching to see if UO was Mac compatible. Luckily, Google picked up a thread from here about how to play on a Mac. Yesterday, I went out and purchased Windows and fired up Bootcamp and what to you know, I'm back in UO again. I originally started back in 98 I believe and played off and on until AoS. Ugh... It's so cool to see you are limiting the server here to the older rulesets! UO just ran amok after Renaissance if you ask me. I expect most of my time will be spent getting my UI, macro's, etc... setup. I'm playing on a Macbook Pro 15 (retina display) and I have very high resolution. I found the guide to set help make area larger in Razor (force res) and since the window is larger, but it's still so small. Any recommendations on how to make the game itself a bit larger? Not sure it's even possible. Anyhow, just wanted to pop in and say hey. My character name is the same as the forum name, so do say hi if you run across me. Look forward to meeting everyone.
Hello! Many of us use IRC, you are welcome to join and ask any questions you may have. (There is a link at the top right of this website)
Hail and welcome Arich! As snap said, hop in IRC if you have any questions otherwise, we'll see you in game I hope.
Franz Pfniffel will always be your man, anywhere, in anything, in game! Do not hesitate to talk to him!
Welcome aboard. As others have noted, it really is the best shard ever. Anything I can do to make your homecoming easier will be my pleasure.