I have recently discovered this server and would like to give it a try. It seems like UO:R is trying to be much more authentic and true to the origins of UO than other servers. I thought I would say hello to everyone in hopes that I can make some friends I've been playing UO since 1997 and recently came back after an eternity away. I am pretty self-sufficient and am not really looking for hand outs, but making a few friends sure makes finding your feet easier. If anyone would like to go adventuring together sometime and amass some awesome loot I would be more than willing! See you out there! Eldon
Greebas steenky umie....welkom tu da wurld ub URK.Pleese pai uur trybut tu eni repri....rapree..eni orc uu peep........
Welcome! I'd suggest logging into the servers IRC channel. Many people there who can offer you advice/help if needed. Feel free to PM me there, or here if you have any questions. Again Welcome! ---- Yulakgh/Krug'gruk - Bloodrock Orcs
Nevermind these foul beasts, a hardy group of Adventurers dost live due north of Minoc. Seek us out at your leisure sir. We are always looking for another good friend to party with and fight the forces of evil!!! http://uorenaissance.com/irc is the fastest way to get in touch in the ether.
Whilst not all of us reside in the cold north of the minoc mines. We are all friendly and polite and would gladly go adventuring with you! Welcome to UO:R Cheers PS if you need a house to macro in, I have plenty I am not using and will gladly friend you for as long as you need. Some are close to town or a moongate (or both).
Just wanted to stop in and say that my first two days on the server have been a blast. Even though the population is low, all the people I have encountered have been nice and fun to play with. I look forward to spending some more time on this server. And thank you for the offers of assisstance... I will gladly take any I can get. A sparring partner and someone to help train resist would be a God send. Shout out to Tinkerbell of S3X for helping me bank a few K.