Brand new construction! A tailor's dream! A quick guard zone run to get tailor BODs! Also note the camps just to the south & northwest. Practically in the guard zone! (GZ seems to extend into house by the messages of when you leave the gz but tested and doesn't seem to be the case when calling "guards"; door is unlocked if you want to test The approximate guard zone lines are shown below What I love about this place are the sitting logs. One could knit here all day or have a picnic with friends! If knitting isnt your thing, one could use the location as a vendor house next to the safety of the guard zone. (thanks @StarScream) SB: 100k BO: none, but will consider offers Accepting Platinum at 9k, Holiday at 5k 24/48 timer Auction ends after 48hrs if only 1 bid, 24hrs if multiple bids I hope you like this place as much as I do I'm tempted to keep it for tailoring but my game time is limited
I think the guardzone is supposed to be moved? Or was supposed. Did it already happen and now the small was able to be placed?
the guard zone is moving. soon this house will not be steps to the guard zone as the zone is being pulled right next to the NPC buildings and away from the forest.
Did Telamon verify that? I only saw the thread discussing it and don't recall if a decision was made.
yea i’m almost positive he confirmed it along with nijelm. Nujem is already done. one can just suspect vesper will be coming shortly. well once that change comes out u can place literally next to the npc building.