Bust out your paint, photoshop, and video editing skills UOR citizens! It's the October Edition of Gideon's Guide Writing Contest!! Get your guide a trophy and be awesome! 1st Place in a Guide Contest 2nd Place in a Guide Contest 3rd Place in a Guide Contest Honorable Mention in a Guide Contest Prizes! The top 3 winners will get to pick their prizes from the prize room. If there are a lot of contestants, then there will be more winners. These are the available prizes so far: - Large Marble Pedastal - Hanging Shield Deed - Pair of Red Pre-Patch Sandles (unblessed and unworn) - Pair of Green Pre-Patch Sandles (unblessed and unworn) - Pair of Blue Pre-Patch Sandles (unblessed and unworn) - Check for 100,000 Gold - Check for 50,000 Gold - Check for 50,000 Gold Prizes are on display at Gideon's Tavern - Yew Bank! Prize Donations! Prizes can be donated either publicly or anonymously. I will indicated public donations with a book on the display. Left over prizes will be used to support the next round of the contest. Examples of some recent amazing player created guides: Treasure Hunting by Basoosh - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2422 Decorating by purple viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2743&p=17060#p17060 Detect Hidden by Atraxi - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2498&p=15376#p15376 Contest Rules! - Last date to submit is October 31st at Midnight PST. - Multiple Submissions Encouraged but guides will be judged individually so quality is still more important than quantity. - Guides will be judged on the quality of presentation and craftsmanship of the guide, not the topic. - Guides can be on topics already covered or new topics! - Please don't steal/borrow material without permission! Guide Ideas and skills without guides! - Stealth, Stealing, and the Dark Arts - Success at Shard Events - Earning Platinum Fast! - CTF: How to not get pwnd - Anatomy - Animal Lore - Begging - Cooking - Forensic Evaluation - Herding - Hiding - Remove Trap - Resisting Spells - Snooping - Spirit Speak - Taste ID - Tracking - Veterinary Past Guide Contests! August/September 2013 - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2336 .
Re: Guide Writing Contest - October/November 2013 Edition First prize : Rune Bless Deed ? I am pretty confident I can get my scientific blacksmithy guide done in time ! It will be ground breaking and parts of UO history might have to be re-written. Lots of screenshots with kinky captions do help, right ?
Guide to the Bardic arts: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2912 Also submitting this: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=682&start=60#p18304 ...since it will save everyone around 10,000 ingots in their Blacksmith GMing (and it cost me 15,000 wasted ingots to prove it! )
I MADE IT! A guide to help players understand the new ZIP CodeS system: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3024&p=19543#p19543
My entry: Guide to Champion Spawns and the Harrower http://www.uorenaissance.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3026
Results for October: 1st Basoosh's Boat Guide - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3020 2nd Markos' Champ Guide - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3026 3rd Cynic's Peace Dexxer Guide - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2897&p=18606#p18606 Thanks to everybody who participated!! Winners hit me up on IRC for prizes =)