Wonder if we could get a decay timer placed on the skulls when they are placed on the platform. We recently did a champ spawn with a blue skull placed on platform (by other group of harrower killers) prior to placing 5 others skulls to spawn the harrower. That blue skull has been on the platform since I've came back. No other reason to allow skulls to be placed on the platform for days other than a system to alert people that a harrower spawn has been initiated without being in the star room. I'm a firm believer in fair play here, Id suggest either a time limit to place all 6 skulls, or a decay timer on the platform to prevent an unfair advantage with a warning system that has been used. After we killed the harrower, this group placed another blue skull. Which leads me to believe they are using it to warn their guild with a warning system message chat. Two changes in need of attention: Decay timer or set time to place skulls on platform after placing one, to prevent any warning system alerting said guild. Fix collecting plat from all over the world of Britain. As of now you can send in pets and recall to your house and collect plat. This blue skull was placed after our harrower was dead. You cannot place a blue skull or any skulls during harrower spawn. Thoughts? Not many do Harrower spawns, those that do.. input please ..
We figured it out.. Macro will be posted on this date 7-14-2018! This needs to be fixed... Warning system was figured out by MiD guild we don't use it but we like for this to go public and not only allow one group to have an unfair advantage. Like to give Telamon a chance to fix this. This warning system will warn you without even being near the skulls using razor. You all can thank MiD GUILD for making life fair! @Chris @Treasureman
Do you just want a special instance in trammel where the harrower happens and you can invite only the people you want to invite? It sounds like you do. I do agree that harrower gate should drop after some time, and also shouldnt be able to load up alts and friends with free plat to milk it though.
No I don't care about people showing up, we killed Thrasher and ended up with majority of the plat. I encourage people to show up.. but the original way.. scouting dungeons or having to walk into the star room to check.. Sitting in your house running a razor macro and once a harrower spawns within seconds get a warning.. and send that to your guild is a bit unfair advantage.. little to OP... Ron Jeremy I take it your in that guild that uses the warning system? What's the huge deal if everyone can run the razor macro then everyone will know when one spawns and can have the opportunity to show up!
Could ask El hornos group or Nerk. They have been using a similar system for quite some time. Or you know keeping the harrower tab open when you finish the harrower to know when another one pops up ; This will probably be changed about the same time as CuB comes out or when you can no longer get guard whacked in bucs. Good times.
funnily enough steve we actually have never once used the log trick. i dont know why you keep asserting we did. but you also probably think im either an alt, or my alt is posting elsewhere because we are all like that so i doubt you will actually believe me. the log thing was changed ages ago anway.. it lasts about 15 mins now before it disappears
I like this idea, it credits the rewards to the people who worked to gain all the skulls, while also making anyone who wishes to take it over put in some more effort rather than all killing and recalling out.
Want to give staff plenty of opportunity to fix this.. before we just toss something so OP out there.. this can be used for other stuff to. The possibility's are endless and would upset the balance. Can more than certainly check if other spawn in the game has spawned IE Diseased blood etc.. and send out a guild warning message. The Initial person who thought of this, pure genius.
My favorite part of UO:R is how quickly fake news gets around.. @Ponne is like the bogus Editor-in-chief for the UO:R Times spreading words of wizdumb to the masses. @Ruck , K*P will host the next public harrower, you may want to confirm the date & time with them.
This sounds like a simple misunderstanding. This other group of "harrower killers" not only assisted you in procuring the set of skulls, but they assisted you in killing the harrower. And instead of being grateful you make this post? The only thing that needs to be changed is your bad attitude. When someone gives you a helping hand, a thank you is generally in order.
What person helped MID with skulls besides random TNT players who showed up. I don't condone unfair advantage that alters the foundation of UOR because you can bask in the glory of your 1000plat using an unfair advantage. MID farmed skulls using our own members, without a warning system.
The blue skull is placed on the alter after every harrower, to allow them to have the advantage of a warning. I don't want to get into details but its not right man. You should be ashamed of yourself, after all Telamon has done for everyone.