Hi, I was on reddit and someone was saying that this shard is a good alternative to UOSA, they where almost saying it was better, and more balanced. I didn't quite get the gist of it, but I do realize that things are not always 100% fair in UOSA and could have a slight change here and there. So my question is is UO-R a server for me I am a simple person I don't really care for too much of the world being modified or people running around with crazy colors and super strange cloaks if I wanted that I would play one of the many other million shards out there. I came to this because someone had mentioned it was some how the replacement to UO:SA. Here is a short list of the things that are a deal breaker for me to have that. Its just a few things that I can't not live with. 1. I do not like "insurance" 2. I don't like any combat power scrolls. 3 and my number one can't even live with at all. "ETHEREAL MOUNTS" I simply just hate them more then anything and anytime I see anyshard with them unless they are just some PVP fest. I will simply remove ip from my Razor and never come back to it. So based on those few things, is UO-R a place that I could lay down my roots and make my new home, if it is some how suppose to replace UO:SA that the user named "crashoidy" on reddit spoke of. It makes me excited to think of somewhere to replace the glory of UO:SA Thanks, Hopefully your future adventurer, Griffeth
Welcome! 1. I don't know what that is, so I guess it isn't here. 2. No powerscrolls! 3. There are ethereal mounts, but nobody has one yet. You have to get rare platinum coins to purchase one, and they are expensive. It takes 5 seconds to "summon" it I think. I don't care for them either and don't really see a need for them at all, they should not cause any imbalance or advantage over a normal mount, and I hope it stays that way, as currently mounts don't have stamina. The admins also strive to not introduce any offensive or neon colors. So far I really like it here and they try to add depth to the game without straying from the UO:R feel.
None here, they were introduced in AOS I think. For information, "insurance" is an option for you to insure your items with gold, so they are not lootable. i.e. you can insure your +25 vanq hally for 500 gp and not get it looted if you die. along with "Trammel" it's one of the killers of the game.
The sounds good, Thanks for the replies, I made that post before going to bed now that I am awake going to create my first character hope to find many fun people to adventure with.
I'd never heard of the insurance thing. That sounds awful. Hope you decide to stay, Griffeth, this is the best shard I've come across in my humble opinion. I'd like to point out one of my favorite things personally: there is no donation rewards/shop. All kinds of legit.
Ethereal mounts are one of the few additions here that I'm not a fan of at all, because they are borderline Trammel to me. I think they look silly and provide even more bonus to the already 0-risk stealther/thief class. However, considering it will take the hardcore player probably 3-6 months to acquire one, it likely won't be too bad even in the long run. I just wish I could get mine hued purple when I get one, so it doesn't look so bad. No insurance and no power scrolls. Welcome to Renaissance and welcome home, sir.
If you give it a chance I'm sure you will like it here. UOR has the best economy and player community you will find on a free shard. Welcome to UO Renaissance!