I don't think you even need to do that. If you search the forums Lightshade posted a map that showed the sequence which Oak spawns. Oak spawns on the map in a static manner with a specific pattern.
oh okay, thanks dude, I'll look for it. I'm starting to think I don't need to anyhow, I'm finding it all over the place near my house. I thought it'd be more rare
The map @Dr Satan referred to is discussed in http://uorforum.com/threads/a-study-on-oak.15091/ (with instructions on how to enable it). If you find a few oak trees around your house and are happy just returning to the same ones each time you indeed don't need the map. However if you get a bit more ambitious with harvesting oak, the map isn't difficult to set up and enables you to chop for oak endlessly without needing to wait for respawns. Lightshade also helpfully posted a pattern that helps at finding oak trees (also discussed in the thread).