I am having difficulty finding a House placement tool. Aren't the Arcitects in each town supposed to sell them? All I see are deeds which I cant purchase with gold in the bank.
The vendor will pull the gold from your bank account. Just make sure it's not in check form, and you'll be set.
Hi there and welcome to UOR! If you click the ling below it has a full guide http://uorforum.com/threads/renaissance-guide-to-home-ownership.6057/
Hi Soulkeeper, welcome to UO:R! if you have any questions, there is a chat room everyone uses, you can visit it from your web browser by following this link: http://uorenaissance.com/irc/?page=irc
****************Welcome Soulkeeper to the community of Ultima Online: Renaissance***************** Glad you got it all figured out if you ever need more help go to the IRC channel provided above by Mes.