If someone gains entry to your home can they access everything or what? Around the time I played uo, people could not access anything that wasn't locked down or secured.. The housing security guide didn't really explain this.. it went into measures of being safe but not as to why people did all that.
If it's in a secure container that has restricted access they cannot open it, if it's locked down they can't take it, but if it's in a locked down container or sitting around they can loot it
So what's with all the necessary security? Do people just keep stuff in locked down containers a lot then?
Depending on your house size, you don't get very many secured containers - my cabin only gets 3, for example - or lockdowns. Plus secured containers have weight limits, so unless you spend a ton of plat on secures you probably can't put ALL your stuff in a secured chest. So some people solve that with table walls.
You can put over the weight limit in secure's there is a trick to it. You have to put w.e in a lock down then inside that lock down a bag with all your heavy shit in it. then take it out without dropping the bag, then unlock it and secure it, then drop it on your spellbook and itl rubber band back inside the secure. It's a pain in the ass cause u cant move anything in it, but it's secure. So it's real good for regs and bulk stackables. I don't do this personally but I see a lot of people do.
http://uorforum.com/threads/one-guide-to-rule-them-all-one-guide-to-find-them.682/ This guide has all tons of stuff including many forms of house security and management give it a look over I think you will find it a great help
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the main web page, uorenaissance.com I was able to do a search for "housing" and found this guide. http://uorforum.com/threads/housing-101-entrance-security-tips-and-tricks.544/
Yeah a lot of the guides kinda assume you know certain background information from the beginning. It's even worse when you're asking about something not so popular (like where to find a public flour mill... got linked to the NPC trainers page for reasons I can't begin to guess). Their hearts are in the right place though Is there anything else in particular that you have any questions about @sanguine ?
No not on this subject. thanks tho I played during ren era but it must of been a little later that I had a house because no one could take locked down stuff out of anything or w/e. So I was jw about that issue.
Wasn't sure which guide you were referencing. You'll see soon that there are many guides on the same subject, leading to confusion sometimes. The one I linked is an official multi part guide that addresses your question. G'luck and beware of fish steaks.