How To: Access the XmlSpawner Development Server

Discussion in 'XmlSpawner Development' started by Chris, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    As the Renaissance server continues to develop we will be opening positions for Xml Spawner development allowing our players, guilds and volunteers to experiment and create quests linked to their guild towns, new player areas, towns. Creating simple improvements that add life to the world.

    RunUO by default lacks alot of the vibrant life and mini quests that were common on the live servers

    Players can apply for access to the XMlSpawner development server which will allow them enough access to experiment with quest development, xml spawners and research in a protected environment.

    XML Development Server - - port 2599

    This server is a copy of our test center server and has a similar save. The codeset is current as of patch 53 as well.

    Rules of Access
    • Elevated accounts must be used for the indicated purpose.
    • Abused of the provided test accounts will result in loss of said accounts.
    • Do not use your account to harrass or interfere with other testers
    • Do not use your account to alter or delete the work of other testers.

    To request a test account contact me via a forum conversation.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
    Wodan likes this.

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