Selling these bod rewards as individual lots: 1. 39 Bulk Order Books; s/b - 4k, b/o - 16k (SOLD TO HALABINDER) 2. 16 pairs of sandals (hue - # I have): 916 - 3, 901 - 3, 911 - 1, 1156 - 4, 1235 - 2, 1175 - 2, 1 - 1; s/b - 80k, b/o - 150k 3. Hanging Armor - hanging studded legs and hanging studded arms; s/b - 20k, b/o - 40k 4. Tapestry Deeds - 2 flower facing south, 2 flower facing east - s/b - 20k, b/o - 80k (will throw in a small stretched hide with b/o) 5. 4 CBDs - s/b - 200k, b/o - 350k 6. 18,980 yards of reward cloth. I want to sell it as a lot (hue - # of yards). s/b - 370k, b/o - 750k 1154 - 60, 1150 - 16, 1157 - 70, 1194 - 40 1165 - 400, 1160 - 600, 2224 - 160, 1155 - 400 1156 - 1,120, 2118 - 1,200, 2130 - 2,208, 1175 - 1,258 1193 - 1,743, 2124 - 1,360, 2406 - 2,700, 1163 - 640 1162 - 1,300, 1158 - 1,790, 2126 - 900, 1196 - 994 Auction will end on Monday, 12/15 at 4pm at which point I will contact the winners.
Current: 1. Sold to Halabinder. 2. No bids. 3. No bids. 4. 25k - Lord Krake. 5. 300k - Stavrogin. 6. No bids.